What to look for when choosing which offer to accept

By now most of you will have completed your uni applications and even sent them off in time for the UCAS application deadline of 29 January (for September 2021 entry). I know from experience that it’s not an easy thing to put together and get sent off so well done to everyone that has done… Read more » about What to look for when choosing which offer to accept

Nerve Radio: An outlook from the Head of Evenings

“…And we’re live! Hello everyone this is Hussein, your host for New Music Monday!” If you have ever tuned in to nerve radio between 5-6pm on Monday’s you will probably hear me say this to introduce my show. Nerve radio and Nerve Media has been a strong, staple presence in SUBU.  A society where the… Read more » about Nerve Radio: An outlook from the Head of Evenings

My first Christmas experience…

One of the best parts about international living is being able to exchange cultures and celebrations. As December progresses, we step into the time of Christmas festivities with bright lights, colourful decorations, and hot chocolates. As someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas and come from Malaysia and Saudi Arabia where Christmas is not a common celebration,… Read more » about My first Christmas experience…

How John’s dedication helped him start his career at JPMorgan

This is a guest blog post from John Nana about his placement experience whilst studying one of our postgraduate courses in Computing & Informatics. Utilise every opportunity. Break barriers. Have fun. Those were the words running through my mind during the international commencement ceremony for postgraduate students at Bournemouth University. My name is John Nana… Read more » about How John’s dedication helped him start his career at JPMorgan

Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

This is a guest blog by James Leaver, who is studying BSc (Hons) Data Science & Analytics. In June 2021, I will begin JPMorgan’s 50-week Software Engineering internship program at their Bournemouth campus. This is in large part due to my experience at their Code For Good event – the topic of this blog post…. Read more » about Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

The BU and UK Experience, and the Things I Learnt

Back in 2019 when I finally decided to come to Bournemouth University, I knew that the coming year was going to be different from everything I had ever known. From all the stories people tell about their time studying abroad, I had gathered that the year was going to be a new learning experience at… Read more » about The BU and UK Experience, and the Things I Learnt

My experience of the Global Talent Programme (GTP) Award

I’m an international student from Malaysia currently in my second year studying BA (Hons) Sociology & Social Anthropology at Bournemouth University. I have joined the Global Talent Programme (GTP) during my first year at Uni because it is a great opportunity for me to stay active and get involved with great events.   GTP Award… Read more » about My experience of the Global Talent Programme (GTP) Award

My proud moments as a qualified Midwife

This is a guest blog by Jessica Correia, who has recently graduated from our BSc (Hons) Midwifery. 2020…. what a year to qualify as a health professional. With the global pandemic causing chaos within the health service and staffing levels reduced, I was drafted in alongside my 3rd year colleagues to clinical practice a few… Read more » about My proud moments as a qualified Midwife

Woman standing in front of a sparkly purple curtain

Stay-at-home Diwali

Diwali is my favourite time of the year. Back home in India, it’s a time for family, friends, new celebratory clothes and delicious food. When I came to the UK, I thought that among the things I would miss the most would be the festivities and the sense of family. To some extent, that was… Read more » about Stay-at-home Diwali

Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!

Hey! It has now been a few weeks from completing my dissertation, and I thought it would be a great moment to reflect on my time at Bournemouth University over the past three years. My time at university was a life-changing experience that I will always treasure. The ride was certainly not easy, but it… Read more » about Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!

The Old Fire Station

Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

Between all the parties and festivals which are often targeted at undergrads, it can be tough as a postgraduate to find nightlife dedicated to us. However, you don’t always have to go to fresher events to have fun. There are lots of great venues around town where you make your night your own. And while… Read more » about Postgraduate Nightlife: What Awaits For You

My journey into Occupational Therapy course at BU

This is a guest blog by current student Alice Kay, currently studying BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy. My Occupational Therapy (OT) student journey started in 2017, I came to BU after finishing college, where I had studied Sport & Exercise Science and Health & Social Care. Throughout school I had been excited at the prospect of… Read more » about My journey into Occupational Therapy course at BU