The difference in teaching versus my home country

Rigid Rulers vs Radiant Rebels: The comparison between authority teaching method and flexible as well as encouraging teaching style. The biggest difference in teaching methods between Taiwan and the UK is the fact that back home everything has a correct answer, and the teaching is more one-way and authority-based; whereas, in the UK, the teaching… Read more » about The difference in teaching versus my home country

Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Settling into university life Starting university, you quickly realise that it forces a level of independence and responsibility, which can be a massive change from home and for some students, a newfound sense of freedom. It is easy to get carried away with the late nights and lie-ins. I found that by the first few… Read more » about Reflecting on my first year: what would I do differently?

Group of students sat together around a table studying

Unlocking opportunities: embracing clubs and societies at BU

Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for more international news and stories! When I embarked on my journey as an international student at Bournemouth University, little did I know that my first year would be a masterclass in personal growth and cultural integration. Reflecting on my experiences, there’s one thing I wish I had done differently:… Read more » about Unlocking opportunities: embracing clubs and societies at BU

Student Ambassador giving directions at an Open Day

How to make the most of an open day

Open days can be the key to helping you decide which university you go to, but they can seem quite daunting and overwhelming – which is why I’ve put together a guide on making the most of your time at an Open Day, so that you can really discover why BU is for you! First… Read more » about How to make the most of an open day

My advice for second year students: How to not fall behind & embrace the change

I am just over halfway through my second year of my four-year degree. It’s different from the first year. Quite different. Good and bad. I can imagine my first-year experience was similar to many other first-year experiences (of a four-year degree). Lots of meeting new people, going out all the time, maybe skipping the odd… Read more » about My advice for second year students: How to not fall behind & embrace the change

Expectations: School or College to University

Going from sixth form or college to your first year at a university is a big transition. Today I’m going to explain some key differences and some things that you can expect before and during the transition process. Studying School/College One of the key differences between school/college and university is the structure of the day…. Read more » about Expectations: School or College to University

What to do in your spare time on campus

Timetables. You either love them or hate them – whilst the majority of us know that the timetabling department aren’t purposely trying to ruin our lives (it can’t be an easy job creating a schedule for every course), it can be kind of annoying if you have an early morning AND late evening class with… Read more » about What to do in your spare time on campus

Study and work opportunities abroad at BU

Did you know that most BU students are eligible to receive funding in order to study and work abroad? If challenging yourself in an international setting sounds like your kind of thing, then keep on reading for all the necessary details! The new Turing Scheme enables BU students to study or work abroad during their… Read more » about Study and work opportunities abroad at BU

Best Places Near Bournemouth for Day-Long Trips

When university life gets busy, there’s not a lot of time to travel for the average hodophile. Thankfully, Bournemouth is located near many wonderful locations that one can explore around in a day or over the weekend. Here are seven such places: 1. Salisbury It takes an hour and a half to get to Salisbury… Read more » about Best Places Near Bournemouth for Day-Long Trips

How I met my first classmate at BU

Do you remember the first time you receive your official offer letter from Bournemouth University? How did you feel that day? Until now, I still vividly remember the day when I received my official letter and how excited I was to start my new journey in the UK. After the excitement, here came the question:… Read more » about How I met my first classmate at BU

BU bunting at Talbot Campus on a sunny day

Typical student jobs in Bournemouth and ways to make money during your studies

Do I need it? While it’s true that being a student means most of your attention should come towards ones studies, there can be different circumstances in which we exist. In previous blog we discussed mental health concerns, it is time to broach the subject of ones finances… more specifically, part time jobs in Bournemouth… Read more » about Typical student jobs in Bournemouth and ways to make money during your studies