4 people standing together with a certificate

Winning an award at the BISA model NATO simulation event

This is a guest blog written by Joshua Pitt, a third-year BA (Hons) Politics student. I recently attended the BISA (British International Studies Association) model NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) simulation, representing Canada, which was held at the Foreign Commonwealth and development office in Westminster. I got involved with this event after applying to be… Read more » about Winning an award at the BISA model NATO simulation event

Surviving High cost of Living and Accommodation Crisis: My BU Story

Studying abroad is an exciting and life-changing experience. However, with the excitement comes a range of challenges, including adjusting to a new culture, language barriers, and homesickness. One of the most significant challenges faced by international students this year was the cost of living and accommodation crisis. Such costs in the UK are much higher… Read more » about Surviving High cost of Living and Accommodation Crisis: My BU Story

A blackboard with writing on saying Sunday roasts are back

The best places to eat on a budget in Bournemouth

Bournemouth can be a great place for cheap eats if you know the right places to look, in this living crisis and being students we can all appreciate a nice, cheap meal and living in Bournemouth for a few years as a student here I have been able to compile a list of my favourite… Read more » about The best places to eat on a budget in Bournemouth

looking down at Bournemouth beach and the sea

Why I chose my course in BU

Why Tourism Management? I am happiest when I am travelling. I absolutely love creating itineraries. The research itself is enlightening. I have often planned travel and accommodation for myself as well as friends and family. All those successfully executed plans gave me a sense of achievement and pushed me in the direction of taking formal… Read more » about Why I chose my course in BU

PG Induction 2022

The Reasons Behind My Decision

  When it comes to your future, making a decision is the hardest thing ever. The situation becomes even more difficult when you come up with the exciting yet risky idea of studying abroad. You need to consider numerous aspects, from the country and city to the course and University. After all, you are spending… Read more » about The Reasons Behind My Decision

Student Sarah Clark's vision board

Why I loved EDfest, the Business School’s Experience & Development festival

This is a guest blog by BU student Sarah Clark about her experience of attending the Business School’s annual Experience & Development festival – EDfest.  As my intuition grows, I’m increasingly getting drawn to attend certain events or talks – but little did I know just what an enormous impact EDfest would have on helping… Read more » about Why I loved EDfest, the Business School’s Experience & Development festival

Anna’s BFX Festival Volunteer Experience

Second-year BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design student, Anna Shellswell, volunteered her time during this year’s BFX Festival hosted by Bournemouth University. In this guest blog, she tells us all about her experiences. Day 1: I was so eager to volunteer at the BFX Festival that I supported some of the pre-event preparations. I… Read more » about Anna’s BFX Festival Volunteer Experience

Student ambassador at BU leading a campus tour on Talbot Campus

My tips for attending an Open Day

If you’re thinking about applying to a university but would like to find out more then an Open Day is a great way to start. When planning for an Open Day, it can take some preparation to get organised and decide where you need to be and when. It’s worth looking at the Open Day… Read more » about My tips for attending an Open Day

My top tips for shortlisting a university

Choosing a university can be a huge deal. This may be your home for the next three years minimum, alongside where you may make contacts, both professional and social that could stay with you for life. For me, I wanted to choose a university that was going to have a lasting impact on my career…. Read more » about My top tips for shortlisting a university

Spending the day visiting JPMorgan

Chelsea is about to go into her second year studying BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security. During her first year, she took part in a competition as part of the Computing in Business event for all first year Computing & Informatics students and her team won. Their prize was a chance to spend the day… Read more » about Spending the day visiting JPMorgan

Coming to BU as an international student

This guest blog has been written by Javairia Saeed who came from Pakistan to study Msc Medical Imaging with Management at Bournemouth University.  Before studying at BU, I had been working as a Sonographer in Tawam Hospital, UAE for the past six years. I was seeking for a well-designed, comprehensive postgraduate programme to further my… Read more » about Coming to BU as an international student

Surfer on Bournemouth beach with I heart BU written in the sand

Clearing 2022 – your last opportunity to join us this September

BU is now open for Clearing 2022. Find your place at BU this September. What is Clearing? Clearing is run by UCAS and enables universities to fill spaces on courses that aren’t yet full for the next academic year, while students without offers are given another chance to pursue their higher education aspirations. Read our… Read more » about Clearing 2022 – your last opportunity to join us this September