Tips for surviving a Master’s

As the workload can increase when comparing an undergraduate course to a postgraduate course, there are many important aspects to consider when heading into a Master’s when it comes to managing that workload, making sure that the workload is evenly spread out and that you are taking enough time off in between when completing the… Read more » about Tips for surviving a Master’s

A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

The Platinum Jubilee This year marks the 70th year that Queen Elizabeth II has ruled as monarch in the UK, making this the Queen’s Platinum year. This is the first time in history that a monarch has reached this milestone and ever since I found out that I had been accepted to Bournemouth, I knew… Read more » about A once in a lifetime celebration: The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Showing our Pride at BU

LGBT Pride Month is here and runs all throughout the month of June. A month to shed light onto the community and all the challenges, progression, icons, and history of the community. However in the earlier days May, SUBU and the part-time officers for the LGBTQ+ community work together to create BU’s pride event. A… Read more » about Showing our Pride at BU

My experience of Computing in Business week

In this student blog by BSc (Hons) Forensic Computing and Security student AJ Cox, she gives an account of the preparations involved in first year computing event Computing in Business. This week long event for first year Computing and Informatics students involves them being given a brief to create a computing system for use by… Read more » about My experience of Computing in Business week

How I met my first classmate at BU

Do you remember the first time you receive your official offer letter from Bournemouth University? How did you feel that day? Until now, I still vividly remember the day when I received my official letter and how excited I was to start my new journey in the UK. After the excitement, here came the question:… Read more » about How I met my first classmate at BU

Available Part-Time Jobs in Bournemouth: the Perspective of an International Student

BU Employability and Career Bournemouth University has plans and programme which made my student experience a convenient one; during my term times, I attended lectures and worked either on my personal computer or on the university premises. I did not have to be too much engaged elsewhere and that afforded me the little convenience that… Read more » about Available Part-Time Jobs in Bournemouth: the Perspective of an International Student

Four students at the beach on graduation day

From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Sousdey everyone! Hello everyone! (Sousdey means Hello in Khmer) Well, where should I begin – I don’t know how to capture this in a few sentences. But let me try.  Born and raised in a remote village in Cambodia, my life has been nothing but adventurous since a very young age. From living in a… Read more » about From Angkor Wat to Bournemouth – A Chevening Scholar’s Story

Pot with coins overflowing

How BU bursaries have supported me

I don’t know about everyone else but I have to say one of my biggest worries about going back to university was the money side of things. The endless questions would whirl around in my head. Will I have enough to pay the bills, for food, childcare, and the endless list of other things you… Read more » about How BU bursaries have supported me

Leaving the world of work and returning to university

Sometimes I wonder how I ended up back in university at all… After I finished my undergraduate degree, I didn’t expect to study again. I had struggled through my final exams and thought that was it, I was ready to go into the working world, and that was what I did. I had qualified as… Read more » about Leaving the world of work and returning to university

Understanding Student Finance

The first stage of applying for student finance is to set up an online account. You can do this through Student Finance England (for students from England). It’s best to apply for your finance when applications open, or as early as you can (for most academic years this is from March). However, you can still… Read more » about Understanding Student Finance

My experience of student support services at BU

Speaking as someone who has fibromyalgia, personality disorder and chronic fatigue to name a few disabilities I have, I have always felt that I wouldn’t be able to complete my nursing degree as they would hold me back but BU have so much support, help and advice that I’ve flown through my first year and… Read more » about My experience of student support services at BU