My semester abroad to New Jersey, America

This is a guest blog by current student Isabel Bedford-Payne. I am Issy Bedford-Payne and I’m a second year student at Bournemouth university studying Events management. My semester abroad is at Montclair state university in New Jersey, America. I have never been to New Jersey but I have visited New York three times. Being accepted… Read more » about My semester abroad to New Jersey, America

International placement with Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation in Greece

This is a guest blog by current student Martha Davis studying BA (Hons) Communication and Media. My experience When I said I was heading to Greece for a few months to work in marine conservation, many people oohed and ahead, envying at the mamma mia lifestyle I was heading to! I can confirm that living… Read more » about International placement with Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation in Greece

My BA (Hons) sociology experience

This is a guest blog by current student Suzanne Ballamy studying BA (Hons) Sociology. I am currently a Sociology student at BU doing a placement year, and will be returning to Bournemouth in September to do my final year. My experience of my course may be slightly different to others as with choosing to take… Read more » about My BA (Hons) sociology experience

Different job opportunities I’ve had during my time at Bournemouth University

When I first arrived at Bournemouth University, I promised that I would try my best to immerse myself into my environment in order to make the most of the experience. What better way than to find a job at the university and gain valuable experience along the way? Whether it was a paid or unpaid… Read more » about Different job opportunities I’ve had during my time at Bournemouth University

Give the Planet some LOVE

Just like all of us, the planet needs some LOVE  too and GLOBAL WARMING is REAL (despite what Donald Trump says) and here at BU we are encouraged to be as environmentally friendly as possible.  There are many ways YOU can have FUN this summer by SAVING our home. Recycling, reusing, reducing your carbon footprint…. Read more » about Give the Planet some LOVE

Does BU value your health and wellbeing? Here is what they have to offer!

Hi guys, this is Talya. Today I am sharing information regarding the health and wellbeing services provided by BU. Since I have a degree in Psychology and currently undertaking my MSc in Clinical Psychology at BU, I am very much interested of the wellbeing of others. It is safe to say that BU has a… Read more » about Does BU value your health and wellbeing? Here is what they have to offer!

Arrivals Advice: A Guide to the Beginning of Your University Journey

Starting university is one of life’s big stepping stones. You are about to embark on a new and exciting chapter in your life and in my opinion this is something to prepare for in order to enjoy every moment of it! Going to Bournemouth University is the opportunity of a lifetime, and staff, other students… Read more » about Arrivals Advice: A Guide to the Beginning of Your University Journey

Come dance with BU

Hi, my name’s Izzy and I am currently in my third year at Bournemouth University, studying Media and Communications. I have been a member of the dance society (BUDS) for the past 3 years which has opened up so many opportunities and really made my overall experience at BU. BUDS is one of SUBU’s biggest… Read more » about Come dance with BU

Studying in BU as an international student

I was born and raised in Vienna, Austria, then took the plunge and moved to another country by myself! I am currently in my second year as a BA (Hons) Communication & Media student here at Bournemouth University and certainly have a lot of stories to tell. When people back at home ask me what it is like to study in Bournemouth I always say, “it’s like being… Read more » about Studying in BU as an international student

Making the Most of Supportive Opportunities

Hi! I’m Tiffany, a BA (Hons) Business Studies student from America. As an undergraduate student, taking advantage of all the academic support provided is a must to ensure our success throughout our course. The lecturers and course leaders often remind their students that workshops and facilities are provided at a certain time especially nearing the… Read more » about Making the Most of Supportive Opportunities

Managing the @BUinternational Instagram account

My name is Patrycja, I’m from Poland and I’m studying BA Computer Animation Art and Design at BU. How did I become an International Student Ambassador? Before starting uni, I got an email invitation to apply for a job as an International Student Ambassador. I thought it might be interesting to give tours around campus… Read more » about Managing the @BUinternational Instagram account

Find your dream club or society at BU

Going to uni only to study? No way! My name is Patrycja and I came from Poland to study BA Computer Animation Art and Design at BU. It turns out that studying is just one part of the university life. There are more things to do here than just keeping your head in textbooks or… Read more » about Find your dream club or society at BU