Why I love studying Nutrition at Bournemouth University 

This is a guest blog by April Dyer, currently studying BSc (Hons) Nutrition at Bournemouth University. Going to university can sometimes be a daunting time, whether you go straight from sixth form, college or in later life. I personally never thought university was for me and always ruled it out, but after many jobs that… Read more » about Why I love studying Nutrition at Bournemouth University 

International Friendship Day – tips for making friends at Uni

When it comes to University, many questions will undoubtedly go through your head: “How will I manage my accommodation? Will I enjoy the course?” But perhaps one of the more important questions is: “Will I make friends at University?” Since the 30th of July is International Friendship day, now is the best time to address… Read more » about International Friendship Day – tips for making friends at Uni

Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020

At the beginning….. The breakthrough of COVID-19 caught many off-guard. The sudden restrictions and changes to everyday life were unexpected. Whilst watching the fireworks in the sky and welcoming 2020 on the 1st of January, I did not expect such drastic changes that would reach us in a mere three months. The reality of isolation,… Read more » about Remote Studying – the Reality of 2020

How To Plan A Staycation

Summer is around the corner! For us in Bournemouth that means lots of things. Lounging on the beach. Enjoying the long bright days. Having barbeques. Going for a swim in the sea. And, of course, go on that holiday you have been daydreaming about all year long. The downside to this summer season, however, is… Read more » about How To Plan A Staycation

My Friendship Story!

Coming to Bournemouth University from a small town of Shimla, which lies in the foothills of the India-Himalayan Region, is one of the biggest steps I have taken in my life. This journey didn’t happen all at once. I had a series of small steps and friends all across the way that helped make it… Read more » about My Friendship Story!

Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

Ten pieces of advice I would like to give as a fellow Indian Student in Media and Communication Courses (more or less also applicable to other courses and pathways):    Research your journey. Before even leaving your home take a good look at your journey plan and try to find some interesting avenues. If a… Read more » about Ten pieces of advice as a fellow Indian Student

How the lockdown helped me get to a better management of my student budget

Being on a lock-down is certainly not the most pleasant experience one can have, especially when you are an international student who moved to England all excited for travel and new discoveries. However, this situation can make you see things from a different perspective. This is what happened to me when I started rethinking my… Read more » about How the lockdown helped me get to a better management of my student budget

My strange experience during COVID-19 times

My life in Bournemouth and BU  Hi! My name is MariaLaura. I’m an MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology student at BU. I am from San José, Costa Rica and moved to Bournemouth in September 2019. I quit my job as an Elementary School counselor, packed my bags, said goodbye to my family and my home… Read more » about My strange experience during COVID-19 times

Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

​The end of my five years of law school was bizarre at the very least. For the first time in a while the next natural step wasn’t the next academic year and I was unsure of where I wanted to take my life. I was (and still adamantly am) the starry-eyed millennial. I want to… Read more » about Why postgraduate study was such a great option for me

Short placements – how to find them

One of the things that made me come to BU was the emphasis on placements and the opportunity to fit them in whether it be for a year or for six weeks, to ensure I had some real working experience to add to my CV alongside my degree once I graduated. Whether you come to… Read more » about Short placements – how to find them

The Lockdown and My Thoughts on Surviving It

What an unbelievable time to be alive! For everyone around the world, irrespective of age and place, these times are sure to be full of uncertainties, fear and at the very least, an all-consuming boredom. As negative thoughts and feelings take over us, the need to hold on to any amount of normalcy is of… Read more » about The Lockdown and My Thoughts on Surviving It

Being kind and supporting others

During this time of worry, isolation and uncertainty, it’s important more than ever to be kind and supportive of one another. As socialising becomes increasingly difficult (well non existent other than virtually), days feel like they are lasting forever! Here are a few tips on how you can show your love and support, help lift… Read more » about Being kind and supporting others