View from an aeroplane

Packing your life in under 23kgs: Top tips for international students

Planning your packing  Packing for University is hard enough without having to worry about how much your stuff weighs. For international students, the airline dictates every aspect of what you pack including what items are allowed, how much it can weigh, and the size. After my experience I have determined a few top tips for… Read more » about Packing your life in under 23kgs: Top tips for international students

What to expect once you’ve confirmed your offer

You’ve confirmed your offer! You feel completely relieved now that you’ve spent weeks, if not months, trying to decide which university and course is right for you, and you’ve done it. Now you’re ready to start preparing for the university you’ve chosen as your top choice. Accommodation options tend to open for bookings around this… Read more » about What to expect once you’ve confirmed your offer

How I met my first classmate at BU

Do you remember the first time you receive your official offer letter from Bournemouth University? How did you feel that day? Until now, I still vividly remember the day when I received my official letter and how excited I was to start my new journey in the UK. After the excitement, here came the question:… Read more » about How I met my first classmate at BU

Developing treatment for diabetes as a placement student

Guest blogger, Zayd Lakhi is a final year student studying BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science. During his placement year, he had the opportunity to work at Imperial College London on a project researching weight loss treatment for those with diabetes. Last year I joined a team as a laboratory technician for Imperial College London’s Investigative Medicine… Read more » about Developing treatment for diabetes as a placement student

Alfie stood with group of friends

Welcome to BU…hopefully!

Hello there. I’m Alfie, a 23-year-old first year BA (Hons) Multimedia Journalism student.  I hope you’re excited to hopefully start your journey here at Bournemouth University soon. It’s just coming to the end of my first year and it’s been a blast so far – I couldn’t recommend BU enough! I’m just going to give you… Read more » about Welcome to BU…hopefully!

When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Guest article by Fern Merritt, BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with PR student, highlights the collaboration between Arts University Bournemouth students and Bournemouth University’s BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science students. The BU simulation for undergraduate Paramedic Science students was the highlight of the year for the PR students that got to be involved! During the action, we… Read more » about When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

At Bournemouth University, sustainability is a core value and at the heart of the University. They have ranked in the top 15% of universities across the world in the THE University Impact Rankings and strive to ensure sustainability within the campus, everyday life and future career.                  … Read more » about Sustainability in BU and Bournemouth

Revision techniques: What style of ‘Learner’ are you?

When preparing revision and study techniques, it’s always best to consider what type of learner you are. Arden University created this useful quiz that helped me recognise what type of learner I am, with tips on what works best for when I need to remember information. You can find it here: What type of learner… Read more » about Revision techniques: What style of ‘Learner’ are you?

BU bunting at Talbot Campus on a sunny day

Typical student jobs in Bournemouth and ways to make money during your studies

Do I need it? While it’s true that being a student means most of your attention should come towards ones studies, there can be different circumstances in which we exist. In previous blog we discussed mental health concerns, it is time to broach the subject of ones finances… more specifically, part time jobs in Bournemouth… Read more » about Typical student jobs in Bournemouth and ways to make money during your studies

Being an international student at BU

Introduction Being an international student, understandably, can be a pretty exciting experience, with so many expectations and unknowns lying ahead of you, as someone who is an international student myself, I would like to have my say about what support is available for people from different countries, comig to us and share my experience of… Read more » about Being an international student at BU