New Resource from the NTF: Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Lessons from the TEF.

Apologies for cross posting, but a TEF Kindle bargain at 99p! ==from the National Teaching Fellow list==== Dear All, Just wanted to alert you to a book we’ve published : Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Lessons from the TEF.   Olwyn and I have worked on this since last July and have analysed about half… Read more » about New Resource from the NTF: Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Lessons from the TEF.

Enterprise challenges in Psychology: enhancing psychological literacy through entrepreneurial learning.

You are invited to a free seminar hosted by the Psychology Dept at Bournemouth University. Dr Patrick Rosenkranz from Newcastle University will be speaking about Enterprise challenges in Psychology: enhancing psychological literacy through entrepreneurial learning. The talk will be held on Wednesday 28th March at 3-4pm At Bournemouth University Talbot Campus, Room F205 (Fusion Building), Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB.  … Read more » about Enterprise challenges in Psychology: enhancing psychological literacy through entrepreneurial learning.

THE to launch inaugural Teaching Excellence Summit in Glasgow

Register for the THE Teaching Excellence Summit in 2018. There is an exclusive early-bird discount for university delegates who book by 31 January 2018. Times Higher Education will run its first global event dedicated to teaching excellence next year. THE to launch European Teaching Excellence Rankings Read more The THE Teaching Excellence Summit, which will… Read more » about THE to launch inaugural Teaching Excellence Summit in Glasgow

A HEPI summary ‘what affects how much students learn?’

the CEL logo

With thanks to our Sarah Carter, OVC for sharing A HEPI policy note What affects how much students learn? was released today. The note reports the statistical analysis of the HEPI Student Academic Experience Survey (2017) question on self-reported learning gain. The analysis combined influencing variables to determine which aspects had the greatest effects for… Read more » about A HEPI summary ‘what affects how much students learn?’

The Path to Success in the TEF – Going for Gold

A new HEPI report has been published Going for Gold: Lessons from the TEF provider submissions Take a look at the report, and see what the analysis makes of BU’s TEF submission alongside other HEIs. Find out about the features of TEF submissions that may have influenced outcomes, and practical recommendations for improving on the… Read more » about The Path to Success in the TEF – Going for Gold

HE policy update for the w/c 20th October 2017

The Department of Education have been very busy preparing many, many pages of consultation for us – and then have downplayed it by talking about freedom of speech (and not much else).  BU’s TEF result is in the press.  And universities generated £95 billion of gross output in the economy in 2014-15 OfS Regulation –… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/c 20th October 2017

REF and TEF: the connections

REF & TEF: the connections was a one day conference hosted by Bournemouth University on Wednesday 11th October.  The event bought together leading experts in research and education policy in higher education to share their insights into the importance of the connections between teaching and research. The morning session of two keynote speakers, followed by a panel discussion, prompted a great… Read more » about REF and TEF: the connections

TEF and subject level TEF Policy

Professor Debbie Holley, Head of CEL and Jane Forster, Policy Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor will be hosting HE Policy Briefings throughout the 2017-18 academic year, with dates already confirmed for November and December 2017. Monthly sessions will update staff interested in the rapidly changing UK HE landscape with the latest policy developments and share details… Read more » about TEF and subject level TEF Policy

HE policy update w/e 6th October (belated)

As the focus of the conference season for HE has been fees, loans and debt, we have a slightly delayed policy update with a catch up on this complicated issue, with a few hints of other things to come in our regular update at the end of the week. Discussions about student finance have dominated… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 6th October (belated)

TEF: academics, students and experts needed…

Apologies for cross posting. ==== Dear colleagues,   HEFCE is seeking to appoint academics, students and experts as panel members and assessors for TEF Year Three and the subject level pilot. We welcome a range of diverse applications from staff and students who wish to take part.   This is an opportunity to get involved… Read more » about TEF: academics, students and experts needed…