
HE policy update for the w/e 17th March 2017

Brexit: Research Professional illustrates the Brexit threats to research positioning and job losses by highlighting the difficulties facing an EU astronomy consortium. The consortium represents seven countries, led by the UK, but will move headquarters to an EU member state from January 2021. The move means the UK will lose the project’s leadership and the… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 17th March 2017

Licensing Challenges for Open Education in Australian Higher Education

Many apologies for cross posting but this may be of interest to some colleagues: Robin Wright will be leading a research seminar on Wednesday 29 March 2017, 16.00, Room F306 (Fusion Building). Concerns around copyright and licensing have been identified as one of the key factors limiting the introduction of Open Education Practices (OEP) in the Australian… Read more » about Licensing Challenges for Open Education in Australian Higher Education

Drawing-in-the-air for teaching and learning

Graduation: swirling graduates’ gowns gather in the grounds of a cathedral. A student presented me to her mother saying she remembered everything I had taught her. I gently teased her, at which point she flung her arms out wide and waggled her fingers gently, repeating words I said two years previously: “I AM A UTERUS!! Here… Read more » about Drawing-in-the-air for teaching and learning

New NCRM Explore App

The National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM) has recently announced the launch of its ‘Explore’ App. This application “allows you to receive personalised research methods’ content which best matches your research interests. It includes all up to date research methods’ publications, videos, podcasts and training courses in a searchable and customisable interface. It also contains… Read more » about New NCRM Explore App

HE policy blog w/e 10th March 2017

Budget: There was very little about HE in the budget this time, as expected, apart from the announcement of the outcomes of the consultations on PG doctoral loans and part-time maintenance loans (see below). The announcement of a £300m fund for brightest and best research talent, including for 1,000 new PhD places and fellowships focused… Read more » about HE policy blog w/e 10th March 2017

Applying for HEA Fellowship

One of BU’s key performance indicators in BU2018 is that every academic has either Fellowship (or higher) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) or a teaching qualification. These introductory ‘Applying for HEA Fellowship’ sessions have been designed to support colleagues with their HEA applications through TeachBU. These sessions will be run by Faculty Mentors who… Read more » about Applying for HEA Fellowship

CEL research dialogue session on Fair Access

On 23 February, CEL held a research dialogue session about Fair Access and Widening Participation. Maggie Hutchings, HSS, presented findings and the overall methodology being followed by the BU Fair Access Research Project. Jacqueline Priego, CEL, presented the findings of her project ‘Students who bounce back’ and recommendations for practice. We will follow up on… Read more » about CEL research dialogue session on Fair Access

CEL Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Award 2017 – great ideas wanted…

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Colleagues! Please consider applying for our award – and help a local charity! deadline Friday 28th April Briefing: Depending on your viewpoint:   What are the health priorities following a catastrophic event? Are such events becoming more frequent because of climate change? How should we organise UK response to such events to reduce the… Read more » about CEL Education for Sustainable Development Teaching Award 2017 – great ideas wanted…

HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Industrial Strategy The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation at the end of January. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number sectors to support: clean energy robotics healthcare space technology quantum technology advanced computing… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 3rd March 2017

Why doodle? Why not?

On scraps of paper. In the margins. Over leaflets. In meetings. In waiting rooms. In trains. In lectures. In seminars When we are waiting or listening, many of us doodle. Forming, re-forming and editing the lines, shapes and flourishes. But how do you feel when you glimpse students’ doodles during your riveting lecture or seminar?… Read more » about Why doodle? Why not?