HE Students

HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

Jo Johnson spoke at a UUK conference today and made a number of important announcements: New government amendments to the Higher Education and Research Bill. The detailed amendments have not yet been published but a Department for Education factsheet has been provided. The government amendments have been welcomed so far. See the Latest set of… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 24th February 2017

Inclusive teaching and learning in higher education as a route to excellence: new report 27th January

The Government has published some Guidance from the Disabled Student Sector Leadership Group: The report encourages higher education providers (HEPs) to look at how they can support and offer the best environment for disabled students. It considers the requirement to provide ‘reasonable adjustments’ under the Equality Act 2010, and suggests actions to mitigate risks associated… Read more » about Inclusive teaching and learning in higher education as a route to excellence: new report 27th January

HE policy update w/e 10th February 2017

The Chair for the Office for Students (OfS) has been confirmed as Sir Michael Barber, Wonkhe profile his career here. Recruitment for the OfS Chief Executive is underway. Higher Education and Research Bill– amendments are being submitted for the House of Lords report stage. One focusses on students and academic staff at HE providers stating… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 10th February 2017

HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the House of Lords committee stage has finished with no further amendments (other than non-controversial and welcome government amendments). Unlike in the House of Commons, where time was more limited and there was a great deal of focus on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), student loans, the impact of… Read more » about HE Policy update w/e 3rd February 2017

HE policy updated 27th January 2017

Industrial Strategy Green Paper The Government launched the Industrial Strategy Green Paper and consultation this week. The paper focuses on improving Britain’s innovation and productivity in key areas alongside upskilling the workforce to become world leading. The government suggest a number of areas of industry specialism that should be supported: clean energy robotics healthcare space… Read more » about HE policy updated 27th January 2017

HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Higher Education and Research Bill – the Bill continues its committee stage in the Lords, with long and lively debates. Only government amendments have been approved so far, apart from last week’s amendment to clause 1. The list of amendments has continued to grow in the meantime, there is a genuine risk that they may… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 20th January 2017

Want to try a ‘mini’ online course? Try the SEDA ‘Online Introduction to Educational Change’

Colleagues, this may be of interest to some…Debbie ============== Dear SEDA Colleagues Bookings are now open for Online Introduction to Educational Change. This 4-week online workshop will run from 20th February until 17th March 2017. This workshop has recently been re-designed to follow an ‘inquiry-based learning’ approach. Using the SEDA Values as a guiding framework,… Read more » about Want to try a ‘mini’ online course? Try the SEDA ‘Online Introduction to Educational Change’

Prof Mick Healey – links to his fabulous resources and ‘students as partners’ conference in May

Apologies for cross-posting For details on the first International Summer Institute on ‘Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education’ in May 2016 see: https://macblog.mcmaster.ca/summer-institute/. The next Summer Institute will be held from 8-11 May, 2017 For four free publications each 20-40,000 words see: (2013) Developing and enhancing undergraduate final-year projects and dissertations… Read more » about Prof Mick Healey – links to his fabulous resources and ‘students as partners’ conference in May

5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference

Dear colleagues, The University of Exeter is proud to be hosting the 5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference, which is being supported by Jisc on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st April 2017 at the Streatham Campus in Exeter. The theme of conference is ‘supporting effective partnerships’ and will build on the successes of the previous CAN… Read more » about 5th annual Change Agents’ Network Conference