Equality and Diversity

BU HE policy update w/e 29th September 2017

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Non-Executive Board On Thursday Jo Johnson announced the non-executive members of the UKRI Board. Sir John Kingman (Chair of UKRI) is the Legal and General Group Chairman and Former Second Permanent Secretary to HM Treasury Fiona Driscoll (UKRI Audit Committee Chair) is Chair of the Audit Committee of Nuffield Health… Read more » about BU HE policy update w/e 29th September 2017

HE policy update for the w/e 15th September

REF 2021 As we noted last week, on 1st September 2017 HEFCE published the initial decisions on REF 2021. This does not include decisions regarding submitting staff, output portability or the eligibility of institutions to participate in the REF. There is another consultation on those issues and BU’s response is being prepared by RKEO –… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 15th September

HE Policy Update w/e 25th August 2017

Immigration, International Students and Brexit The government have commissioned a series of assessments and reviews of the impact of immigration policy and Brexit via the Migration Advisory Committee: Call for evidence and briefing note: EEA-workers in the UK labour market – we will be responding on the HE questions via UCEA and UUK and we… Read more » about HE Policy Update w/e 25th August 2017

HE policy update w/e 11th August 2017

NSS results HEFCE published the NSS results last week. In their press release they highlight the changes to the survey and the fact that the responses are not comparable with previous years – there were 10 new questions and wording changes to 9 questions. The NUS boycott linked to the TEF affected 12 institutions who… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 11th August 2017

HE policy update w/e 28th July 2017

Migration & Brexit – the big news this week was the announcement on Thursday that there would be a major study of EU workers and the role that they play in the UK economy and society.  This has been welcomed although there has been criticism of the timing (it should have been started before and… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 28th July 2017

Students’ Union Partnerships for Widening Participation (WP)

An online resource has been published to support Students’ Unions, Universities and others in the HE sector to build stronger research partnerships, in order to work and learn together for WP research, policy and practice. This resource has been created to share the findings of a BU project which aimed to establish the best ways… Read more » about Students’ Union Partnerships for Widening Participation (WP)

Fair Access Research project (FAR) webpages are launched

The FAR project webpages have now been published. BU’s pioneering Fair Access Research project has brought together students, SUBU, professional, service and academic staff from across the university to develop and expand expertise and reflexive practice in the field of fair access to higher education. Each member of the team has brought different knowledge and experiences to a series of… Read more » about Fair Access Research project (FAR) webpages are launched

HE policy update w/e 16th June 2017

New Parliament – On Monday we sent out a special edition policy update to keep you current on the political arrangements as the new government is formed. If you missed it you can read it here. Locally, all the incumbents were re-elected, meaning the whole of Dorset continues to be represented by Conservatives. A breakdown… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 16th June 2017

FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first

A series of short, reflective pieces about widening participation projects is being published from within the Fair Access Research (FAR) initiative, which aim to share ideas and experiences on widening participation projects from across the university, to provoke thought and to inspire. Think Piece One is written by Dr Jacqueline Priego, postdoctoral research fellow in CEL, about a co-production… Read more » about FAR Think Piece One: All of us put other people first