
TODAY 1st Annual MSc Green Economy conference (online) 1pm Monday 15th January

As we are aware the topic of sustainable education and sustainability are a part of the university vision. This afternoon an online conference is being run for the MSc in Green Economy in the Department of Life and Environmental sciences. You are welcome to join in with this via GoToWebinar. The link to register for… Read more » about TODAY 1st Annual MSc Green Economy conference (online) 1pm Monday 15th January

HE policy update for the w/e 12th January 2018

Cabinet Reshuffle Out with the old and in with the new…the cabinet reshuffle this week brings changes for HE. Goodbye to Jo Johnson as he departs from the Universities Minister role to become Minister of State for Transport and Minister for London. Nick Hillman, Director of HEPI, reflects on Johnson’s legacy in the Times Higher,… Read more » about HE policy update for the w/e 12th January 2018

New Year – new study? PART 2: Reflections on Leadership in HE

Come and join Sue Eccles on the Reflections on Leadership in HE: Developing high quality staff to deliver high quality learning opportunities. This unit provides experienced academics with an opportunity to reflect on their skills as leaders and to develop these further as role models and motivators for others to follow, creating a culture of creativity and continuous… Read more » about New Year – new study? PART 2: Reflections on Leadership in HE