The biggest impact of artificial intelligence? helping humans make discoveries we couldn’t make on our own

Research productivity—the number of researchers it takes to produce a given result—is declining annually. Could AI make research faster and more productive, reviving areas that have become too expensive for businesses to pursue? This MIT Technology Review article looks at the way AI is reinventing the way we invent, the predictions for machine learning and… Read more » about The biggest impact of artificial intelligence? helping humans make discoveries we couldn’t make on our own

Data Science: a short briefing from Dr Mike Hobbs, Visiting Researcher in CEL

Image of 2019 in figures with robot and man

Dr Mike Hobbs, Visiting Researcher in CEL and an expert in data, AI and AR/VR shares the first is  series of short postings: These days, if we are involved in research, policy or just trying to find evidence for good practice we need data science. Data Science Central is a site… Read more » about Data Science: a short briefing from Dr Mike Hobbs, Visiting Researcher in CEL

Innovating Pedagogy 2019 – OU Report

The Open University has released its Innovating Pedagogy 2019 report which covers the following themes. Playful learning Learning with robots Decolonising learning Drone-based learning Learning through wonder Action learning Virtual studios Place-based learning Making thinking visible Roots of Empathy Themes from previous reports Read and download the report here.

5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Predictions for 2019

Futurist Bernard Marr is predicting more hype around AI in 2019 as businesses and society increasingly realise its benefits and look to adopt it.  AI will become more pervasive as it becomes a more trusted technology and will initially create more jobs than it replaces. Read the full article here.

Getting to Know Alexa

Following on from my discussion of domestic virtual assistants, I wanted to know more about how they worked in practice. I already have the Google Mini home and it is currently quite limited. It is linked to the Google Home Assistant which is basically your Google account, so it should link to all your Google… Read more » about Getting to Know Alexa

The Not So Fab 4 Quite Yet of AI Digital Personal Assistants

AI (Artificial Intelligence) holds much promise for the future in automating many parts of our lives and integrating our own personal data with what’s relevant to us on the worldwide web. Step forward the Big 4 market leaders in this field, all vying for a foothold in this market. Amazon Alexa, Microsoft Cortana, Google Home… Read more » about The Not So Fab 4 Quite Yet of AI Digital Personal Assistants

Pepper the robot appears for the Education Select Committee

Cross posting from ===== Pepper the robot answers questions from the Education Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the implications for education of developments in artificial intelligence. Watch Parliament TV: Fourth Industrial Revolution Inquiry: Fourth Industrial Revolution Education Committee Witnesses Tuesday 16 October in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House At 10 am Panel one Professor Rose… Read more » about Pepper the robot appears for the Education Select Committee