
National Teaching Fellow Scheme webinars

National Teaching Fellow Scheme logo

Nominations for the National Teaching Fellow Scheme (NTFS) for 2023 are now open and a national webinar is offered if ‘Thinking about your NTFS application’ by Advance HE next month. BU is a member of Advance HE UK and the webinars are free to BU staff. As in previous year, Prof. Debbie Holley and Ass…. Read more » about National Teaching Fellow Scheme webinars

National Teaching Fellowship workshop 13th January

If you’re planning to submit an application for a National Teaching Fellowship, this year or in future, there is a BU workshop on Thursday 13th January to explain the process and the support available. The workshop will be led by National Teaching Fellow Debbie Holley from HSS, with contributions from BU’s other National Teaching Fellows,… Read more » about National Teaching Fellowship workshop 13th January

Teaching Large Cohorts – Workshop summary

Students in lecture theatre

The problem of teaching large cohorts has attracted a lot of attention in HE. Anything above a ratio of 60 students to 1 lecturer changes the pedagogical dynamics. A systematic review of the bigger picture of managing large cohorts from induction to graduation and the redesign coming from this kind of intense commitment is the… Read more » about Teaching Large Cohorts – Workshop summary

Mapping Learning Excellence with colleagues from Events and Leisure

We held a Learning Excellence (LEAP) session with twelve colleagues from the programme team in the current Department of Events and Leisure last week. The goal was to work on new undergraduate and postgraduate programmes starting in Sept 2019. Unit teaching teams worked with new Intended Learning Outcomes and their knowledge from current units to… Read more » about Mapping Learning Excellence with colleagues from Events and Leisure

7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Event Date: 14:00 – 15:30, Thurs 7th March 2019 Room: PG30a, Talbot campus Book now on eventbrite         Higher education is experiencing an unprecedented period of change in which the future face, shape, identity and purpose of the university are all being challenged. With an uncertain political, social and technological future on… Read more » about 7.3.19 Book now for “Building the University of the Future – Lego Event”

Innovating Pedagogy 2019 – OU Report

The Open University has released its Innovating Pedagogy 2019 report which covers the following themes. Playful learning Learning with robots Decolonising learning Drone-based learning Learning through wonder Action learning Virtual studios Place-based learning Making thinking visible Roots of Empathy Themes from previous reports Read and download the report here.

1st BU Department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification!

At BU, we have been storming ahead to ensure that our academic staff have a recognised teaching qualification relevant to HE (typically HEA Fellowship or PGCert). I am therefore delighted to announce that the very first department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification is…Sport and Physical Activity in the Faculty… Read more » about 1st BU Department to have 100% of its staff with a Recognised Teaching Qualification!

Reflecting on your Education Practice

Last week saw the start of the next cohort of the Postgraduate certificate in Education practice, often referred to as the PGCert in the University. As many who have participated in it know this course leads to a recognised teacher certificate as well as to Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA now in AdvanceHE)…. Read more » about Reflecting on your Education Practice

Dr Sue Way – National Teaching Fellow

Colleagues, I  am sure you will join me in congratulating Dr Sue Way, Associate Professor of Midwifery in HSS, who has been awarded a prestigous National Teaching Fellowship. Below I have extracted the AdvanceHE information. CEL run annual calls and run events for staff interested in applying for an NTF, please get on touch with… Read more » about Dr Sue Way – National Teaching Fellow