Posts By: dbiggins

CEL journal article on TEL Toolkits just published

We are very pleased to announce that an article written by David Biggins, Debbie Holley and Marketa Zezulkova was published yesterday in the journal, EAI Endorsed Transactions on e-Learning. The paper compares the EU’s 2013 and 2016 digital competence (DigComp) framework with the UK education’s 2009 and 2015 digital capabilities (DigCap) framework. The similarities are… Read more » about CEL journal article on TEL Toolkits just published

Using Padlet in your work

During the recent Brightspace training we used Padlet to capture feedback from staff.  In the post-training feedback, many staff noted how they planned to try out Padlet in their own work. Given the popularity of Padlet, is it worth bringing it to a wider attention. Padlet is like an electronic flip chart.  The flipchart paper… Read more » about Using Padlet in your work

Brightspace training update – 14 Jun 17

Brightspace logo

This week sees the end of the first tranche of Brightspace training.  In the period since 8th May, a team of 17 people has run 55 training sessions in Brightspace primarily for academic staff but also for administrative staff.  In addition, a number of familiarisation sessions have been run for professional services staff. Staff completing… Read more » about Brightspace training update – 14 Jun 17

Are you using open education resources (OERs)?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that may be freely used at no cost and without needing to ask permission of the material’s creator. Unlike resources covered under copyright, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organisation who has specifically choosen to make them open to others. In some… Read more » about Are you using open education resources (OERs)?

Lego for Pharmacology

By Adam Bancroft, Lecturer (Academic) Paramedic Science In the final taught lecture for our Pharmacology for Paramedic Science module we reviewed course content and understanding utilising an ethos of ‘flipped’ revision where the cohort contacted the unit lead during the week to inform the timetable of this session. This involved some of our fundamental principles being revisited… Read more » about Lego for Pharmacology

iInnovate: Scaling innovation from the individual to the institution

Further to Debbie Holley’s post about the acceptance of an abstract for the ALT-C conference in Liverpool in September, we have just had a second submission approved.  This second abstract focuses on the iInnovate initiative and reports on institution-wide innovation and the sharing of best practice. ==== A significant issue for HEIs is how to… Read more » about iInnovate: Scaling innovation from the individual to the institution

RKE Development Framework Workshop – “Bibliometrics: An introduction to research impact metrics”

Understanding and demonstrating impact is becoming an essential part of any research activity. Have you ever wondered how other people are citing your work? Do you know how to calculate your “h-index”? Have you heard of Altmetrics? Come along to this session to find out more. Topics covered will include: Journal quality (SCOPUS, Web of… Read more » about RKE Development Framework Workshop – “Bibliometrics: An introduction to research impact metrics”