Setting up your ‘My Unit Feedback’ survey

My Unit Feedback is a unit survey run at all levels (0, 4 , 5, 6 and 7) and replaces the MUSE survey. It will ask students about their learning experience on each of their units. The feedback received helps you to further build on your areas of good practice and identify any areas for development.The My Unit Feedback survey should be run towards the end of teaching, so for units taught during semester 2, this will be 2 – 9 May 2023. If your unit has on a non-standard teaching schedule or is block taught, you should run the survey at the end of your scheduled teaching.

  • Semester two survey dates:  2 – 9 May 2023  

What you need to do

  1. Prepare your survey on Brightspace, this just requires setting start/end dates and making the survey visible to students : How to set up your survey
  2. Plan some time into your lectures or seminars during the above dates to explain to your students why this survey is important and how they can complete it. You can take them through these presentation slides and perhaps create an announcement via Brightspace as a reminder.
  3. You can view your results through Brightspace : How to view results
  4. When the survey has closed you’ll need to provide students with a response to their feedback : Responding to students feedback

Further help and support

All guidance for the My Unit Feedback surveys can be found in the Brightspace Staff Resources area > Monitoring and Review > My Unit Feedback survey.

Contact your Faculty Learning Technologist for further support or attend one of their regular Faculty drop-in sessions.

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