What’s New for 2021

Welcome to Semester 1, 2021! As you start working with Brightspace again, you may notice some new features and changes to the look and feel of our virtual learning environment.  Some of the resources and guidance pages have been redesigned to make it easier to find the advice or information that you are looking for.  There are also some new additions to the templates for creating content for your units.

We have prepared a short video that introduces the updates and additions to Brightspace. Please have a look and familiarise yourself with what’s new in Brightspace at BU this semester.

The video covers:

1. the revised Digital Pedagogies Framework;

2. the new-look Brightspace Staff Resources pages;

3. the redesigned FLIE workshops and drop-ins information pages;

4. the new HTML templates for content creation;

5. the new Assignment evaluation experience; and

6. new options in your My Profile pages to add phonetic spelling of your name.


You can watch the video here.

Further help and guidance

If you would like further help with any of the above, contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.

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