Monthly Archives: October 2018

Using digital technology in rehabilitation and home settings-Cardiff University

Researchers at Cardiff University have been developing VR home rehabilitation for knee pain. Their idea is to find innovative solutions to delivering even better quality of healthcare and outcomes for patients with knee pain.  One approach is the use of virtual reality, which makes it possible to assess patients in an interactive safe environment which can be changed in… Read more » about Using digital technology in rehabilitation and home settings-Cardiff University


Keele Univeristy have developed a new ‘Health Cinema’ for use on its programmes. This is a large screen, visualisation facility located in our 133-seat lecture theatre. The cinema-grade projection system can use both 2D and 3D to display content such as virtual anatomy or molecular visualisation.   They also have VIRTUAL PATIENT WEB-BASED LEARNING Their… Read more » about VIRTUAL REALITY LEARNING SPACES- At Keele Univeristy

VirtualiTeach-100 Voices Project.

Steve Bambury (Twitter: @steve_bambury) Is working on a 100 Voices of AR/VR project.   If you would like to submit 100 words for his project, here are the guidelines: The 100 Voices Project He is closing in on his 100th article here on VirtualiTeach and he would like to put something really unique together to… Read more » about VirtualiTeach-100 Voices Project.

Still time to sign up to attend the UCISA Immersive Environments Conference in Birmingham (5th December)

Immersive experiences can transport learners to different environments and augment learning within their current surroundings. The cost to create and interact with these experiences previously meant that these methods of learning and teaching had been limited to those with ample resources. Technologies such as the Internet of Things, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality are enabling… Read more » about Still time to sign up to attend the UCISA Immersive Environments Conference in Birmingham (5th December)

Interested in using Immersive Learning strategies with your students?

360 Degree Video can be a simple and effective way to start.  The CEL team have a 360 Degree camera that will enable the user to take 360 degree footage for your teaching and learning material.   Here are a few ideas: A virtual orientation to a shared facility “Where are we now”, “what is… Read more » about Interested in using Immersive Learning strategies with your students?

Get started with Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is: (Layering information on top of the physical world)   Simple apps for you phone or ipad: Try downloading some simple AR apps to your phone.  One such example is:   Augment Education Augment is an AR tool specializing in AR presentations, modeling projects, and 3D design. Using Augment, students can build… Read more » about Get started with Augmented Reality

Cake, Cake, Virtual Reality and more Cake… Monday morning in the Staff Centre

On the morning of Monday 29th October, CEL will be running a ‘Cake & Collaboration’ event in the Staff Centre on Talbot Campus. CEL colleagues Dave Hunt and Professor Liz Falconer will be providing an opportunity for you and a colleague to use Oculus Rift to interact in the same virtual world – have a… Read more » about Cake, Cake, Virtual Reality and more Cake… Monday morning in the Staff Centre

6C Solutions: Workshops to help with documentation

If you are in need of support to complete the documentation to implement 6C, please sign up for one of these workshops with Organisational Development: 6C Solutions: Implementing good practice in assessment and feedback. This two-hour workshop will support as assessment for learning approach to complete the 6C documentation. We have 2-hour slots available… Read more » about 6C Solutions: Workshops to help with documentation