The NTF Regional writing workshop
‘Fantastic’ ‘superb’ and ‘inspiring’ were words used to decribe the NTF writing workshop, hosted by BU, and run by National Teaching Fellows Professor Debbie Holley and Professor Stephen Tee (BU) with fellow NTFs Dr Kirsten Hardie (AuB) and Dr Jenny Hill (UWE) volunteering their services to support this regional event.

Dr Jenny Hill (NTF, UWE) offers her advice (above) on how to tackle the ‘developing excellence’ section of the application form.

Our participants started with a daunting challenge – to write a post-it note completing this sentence ‘I am a fabulous teacher because’ and then to share this with colleagues in the room.
They worked on their individual applications in 15 minute bursts of brainstorming around the projects, activities, sessions, workshops they had taught, online, offline, face to face, blended and any other learning scenario. We then shared ideas about how to evalaute the impact of different work, drawing on the experiences of the NTFs in the room, and the excellent materials shared by Professor Sally Brown, Chair of the Association of National Teaching Fellows (links below). By the end of the session, all three secyions had been mapped, and our potential NTFs were able to go away with ideas and actions to develop their profiles further and to think about different ways of collecting evidence.
Bournemouth University draft applications should be sent to Dr Sue Eccles by Friday 16 March 2018. 1:1 support will be arranged with the final three applicants.
National briefing – information and links
Following on from the ‘Inspiring Educator’ regional symposium in June last year, yesterday saw Bournemouth University host the National Brieifing for the 2018 NTF round. This was run by Professor Debbie Holley and Professor Stephen Tee (BU) with fellow NTFs Dr Kirsten Hardie (AuB) and Dr Jenny Hill (UWE) joining us for the morning to support the event.