if you haven’t joined in an open conversation, here is your opportunity… and the conversation will be curated…
Norman Jackson and Chrissi Nerantzi are running another free, open online #creativeHE conversation next week 4-8th Dec – please join the conversation – please pass the invitation on to others who may be interested?
An open conversation on the #creativeHE platform December 4th-8th To join in simply click on the link
Being creative and producing a creative artefact or performance means different things in different practice settings as people interact with their environment and everything in it to achieve something of value. In some practice contexts the purpose of practice is to harness individuals’ creativity
By ‘practice’ we mean ‘action rather than [just] thought or ideas’1, ‘the application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it for example, the practice of teaching.’2 The term ‘practice’ does not have to be restricted to professional activity it can also be used to describe the actions and activities relating to a person’s hobbies and interests, being a parent and many other contexts.
But to perform and practice involves developing certain knowledge, skills, behaviours, self-awareness and ways of thinking and interpreting the world that are relevant to that particular area of practice. In order to practice well we have to practise ‘by performing (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.’2 We are also interested in exploring how people develop themselves through practical experience, education and training and informal interactions with peers, to be able to practice in creative ways.
Invitation to #creativeHE community
This is an open conversation about the relationship of a person’s creativity to their everyday practices and we hope participants will share their stories and perspectives in ways that will help develop better understandings.
The conversation will be curated through Creative Academic Magazine and it will launch Creative Academic’s ‘Creativity in Practice’ project http://www.creativeacademic.uk/creativity-in-practice.html
1 Cambridge Dictionary available at https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/practice
2 Oxford Dictionary available at https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/practise
Sandra Sinfield
University Teaching Fellow
To join in simply click on the link
Being creative and producing a creative artefact or performance means different things in different practice settings as people interact with their environment and everything in it to achieve something of value. In some practice contexts the purpose of practice is to harness individuals’ creativity
By ‘practice’ we mean ‘action rather than [just] thought or ideas’1, ‘the application or use of an idea, belief, or method, as opposed to theories relating to it for example, the practice of teaching.’2 The term ‘practice’ does not have to be restricted to professional activity it can also be used to describe the actions and activities relating to a person’s hobbies and interests, being a parent and many other contexts.
But to perform and practice involves developing certain knowledge, skills, behaviours, self-awareness and ways of thinking and interpreting the world that are relevant to that particular area of practice. In order to practice well we have to practise ‘by performing (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.’2 We are also interested in exploring how people develop themselves through practical experience, education and training and informal interactions with peers, to be able to practice in creative ways.
Invitation to #creativeHE community
This is an open conversation about the relationship of a person’s creativity to their everyday practices and we hope participants will share their stories and perspectives in ways that will help develop better understandings.
The conversation will be curated through Creative Academic Magazine and it will launch Creative Academic’s ‘Creativity in Practice’ project http://www.creativeacademic.uk/creativity-in-practice.html
1 Cambridge Dictionary available at https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/practice
2 Oxford Dictionary available at https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/practise
Sandra Sinfield
University Teaching Fellow