Monthly Archives: May 2017

Brightspace training begins

The staff training on Brightspace began with a full day session on Monday.  10 staff members attended the first day and the plan is to train another 350 staff in the next 5 weeks. The training is split into two sessions.  Session A introduces Brightspace and demonstrates the features and benefits to staff.  Session B… Read more » about Brightspace training begins

iInnovate – please can you feedback the new ideas you have tried in the past year?

Seeking feedback – can you assist? Seeking feedback on your Innovations – Staff trying something different please complete a short feedback form (available at many thanks! The CEL team === Since the start of semester 1, CEL has been supporting staff across the university to ‘try something different‘ to enhance their teaching and professional practice. One of… Read more » about iInnovate – please can you feedback the new ideas you have tried in the past year?

Webinar: Essential Tools & Technologies for the Library & Information Professional

*Apologies for cross posting!*   May be of interest to the Learning Development network as well – please circulate to colleagues as appropriate!   Essential Tools & Technologies for the Library & Information Professional What tools and technologies should you be using as a librarian or information professional in 2017?   Join the CILIP special… Read more » about Webinar: Essential Tools & Technologies for the Library & Information Professional

Service Excellence Conference 2017 – thank you!

Service Excellence Conference 2017 – thank you! 09 May 2017 We just wanted to say a huge thank you to all those people who supported us by attending this years’ Service Excellence Conference – it was an inspiring and surprisingly emotional day! If you didn’t manage to make it – and we all know that… Read more » about Service Excellence Conference 2017 – thank you!

HE policy update w/e 5th May

General Election The Prime Minister, Theresa May, used her dissolution speech to focus on the challenge of Brexit in the face of hard lining from Brussels.  The release dates of the parties’ manifestos have not been officially announced, however they are expected: Conservatives – during week commencing 8 May Labour – Monday 15 May Lib… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 5th May

TeachBU – 100 up

TeachBU, the CPD route to gaining recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), recently awarded its 100th fellowship – to Michael Silk (Professor of Sport, Faculty of Management). Professor Silk said: “It is an honour to be awarded a Senior Fellowship of the HEA. Doing so through the TeachBU scheme offers recognition… Read more » about TeachBU – 100 up

“Am I ready to receive feedback?”

Receiving feedback is an emotive process for students. Guiding them to consider their emotional readiness to assimilate comments may improve the feedback/ feedforward process. To add to research on delivering effective feedback, The Developing Engagement with Feedback Toolkit considered how students’ RECEIVE feedback. The research confirmed a common lament that students do not engage with… Read more » about “Am I ready to receive feedback?”

HE policy update w/e 28th April 2017

The Higher Education and Research Bill – now the Higher Education and Research Act 2017– was finally passed on Thursday. As expected, the House of Commons rejected the Lords amendments, including those relating to the TEF and international students. The government did propose a number of amendments to address some of the issues raised in… Read more » about HE policy update w/e 28th April 2017