
Ian Stephen

Associate Professor of Psychology

Areas of expertise

Dr Ian Stephen is a perceptual and evolutionary psychologist. His research focuses on how people perceive themselves and each other. This includes how we form first impressions of others based on their appearance, why we find some people more attractive than others, why some people perceive themselves as heavier or thinner than they really are,… Read more »

Géza Gergely Ambrus

Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise

Géza is a lecturer at the Department of Psychology, his recent research focuses on the cognitive neuroscience of perception and memory. Currently, he uses neuroimaging techniques combined with machine learning methods to investigate the neural dynamics and shared neural codes of recognition memory. His work also includes the study of face perception, which he studies… Read more »

Rachel Moseley

Dr Rachel Moseley

Principal Academic In Psychology

Areas of expertise

Rachel’s research interests centre on autism spectrum conditions (ASC). She examines issues of central concern to autistic people, including mental health, suicidality, self-injury, ageing and late-diagnosis. Rachel also investigates aspects of cognition and sex differences between autistic men and women. Previously, she has used neurometabolic (MRI, DTI) and electrophysiological (EEG, MEG) methods to investigate language,… Read more »

Shanti Shanker

Dr Shanti Shanker

Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Areas of expertise

Shanti’s research is focused on motivated forgetting and memory, encompassing aspects of learning and cognitive control. Her research interest spans across people living with neurological impairments due to stroke, brain injury and dementia, as well as the general population. Shanti is interested in applying cognitive findings to the rehabilitation of people living with cognitive impairments…. Read more »

Professor Katherine Appleton

Professor Katherine Appleton

Professor in Psychology

Areas of expertise

Katherine’s research interests straddle the fields of nutrition and behaviour, with a focus on understanding and encouraging healthy eating in the general population. Her work lies in three main areas: the mechanisms underlying healthy eating behaviour  – the determinants and motivations for healthy eating interventions to encourage population-wide healthy eating behaviour. Katherine’s interventions largely focus… Read more »

John McAlaney

Professor John McAlaney

Professor in Psychology

Areas of expertise

John’s research focuses on social psychological aspects of behaviour change, and how this is informed by group dynamics and perceptions of peer behaviour. He has been extensively involved in the development of the social norms approach in the UK, which aims to bring about positive change through challenging misconceptions and negative stereotypes. John is particularly… Read more »