My PR Work Placements in Norway

Name: Karoline Lervik Sandvold Course: BA (Hons) Public Relations Country of origin: Norway Where was your placement and what was your role? I completed my placement year in Norway so I could start building my network for when I return. I divided my year in two; working in a PR agency, Coxit Public Relations, and… Read more » about My PR Work Placements in Norway

My Work Placement at JP Morgan

Name: Glebs Kiselovs Course: BA (Hons) Business Studies with Finance & Marketing Placement: JP Morgan Bank (Bournemouth) Where are you from?  Latvia Where was your placement and what was your role? I worked as an Analyst in the Liquidity Solutions Client Experience team. My role was to answer any questions that colleagues from sales, client… Read more » about My Work Placement at JP Morgan

Living at BU’s Okeford House

  Okeford House is an accommodation unit specifically for postgraduate students, about 20 minutes’ walk from Bournemouth University, off Wimborne Road. I live by myself in a studio flat, meaning my room contains my sleep and study area, along with a kitchen, shower, and bathroom all in one unit, but having flatmates is a much… Read more » about Living at BU’s Okeford House

BU’s Chesil House offers the best of both worlds!

  If you need a quiet and mellow place to come home to then Chesil House is your place. Since a mixture of PG and UG students live in Chesil, there is a perfect balance here. It is easy to make friends and great for the mature student who is looking for a study space and… Read more » about BU’s Chesil House offers the best of both worlds!

The ultimate Fresher’s guide to making new friends

If you’re currently reading this blog post, then I think it’s relatively safe for me to assume that 1) you’re starting university in September (how exciting!) and 2) you’re slightly worried about the whole ‘making new friends’ aspect of uni. Rewind 12 months and I was in the exact same position as you guys –… Read more » about The ultimate Fresher’s guide to making new friends

Placements: One step closer to the real world

So, apart from the *cough cough* award winning beach located right on the doorstep, one of the things that sold Bournemouth University for me was the fact that there was an opportunity for a 40-week placement (although it’s soon to be 30 weeks, which will give you that little bit more flexibility). This basically means… Read more » about Placements: One step closer to the real world

Living independently

Every person who leaves home for the first time will tell you that living without parents is a dream come true, no one to tell you to clean your room, make you do the dishes or even moan at you for no apparent reason. But after a while of being independent you start to notice… Read more » about Living independently

Funding your studies

With tuition fees, accommodation, day-to-day living expenses and perhaps relocation costs and conferences or other educational activities, postgraduate study isn’t cheap!  Fortunately there are numerous ways to fund your studies and support available to soften the blow.  Here I give a brief overview of the options and tips for funding your time at BU. Fees… Read more » about Funding your studies

Making the most of your studies at BU

BU is a great university that offers all sorts of ways to support and enhance your studying experience.  Here are my top tips on optimising your study experience: 1. Find your preferred study environment Where you work can have a big impact on your productivity.  Do you work best at home, at uni, or perhaps… Read more » about Making the most of your studies at BU

Making the most of student discounts

Being a student can be a tough time financially, but the strain is eased by making use of your student discount.  Your student card can be used to get discounts from a vast range of shops and services, plus you can get extra discounts by buying an NUS Extra card.  Here are my top tips… Read more » about Making the most of student discounts

How to deal with homesickness

Moving to university was a shock. It was all new and exciting but also daunting. Once everything is moved in to your room and house, once your parents/guardians/siblings etc. have all left, you’re sat on your bed looking around your room and all thoughts running through your head just stop. This is where I’m living… Read more » about How to deal with homesickness