Advertising student Katie tells us about her placement at TLC Marketing

Placement Job Title: Junior Account PlannerCourse at BU: BA Advertising  Placement company website: Three words to describe your placement – Eye opening, invaluable and enjoyable Most interesting part of your placement? – Attending proposal meetings with well-established clients and understanding how different people use different presentation techniques Hardest aspect of your placement? – Managing my… Read more » about Advertising student Katie tells us about her placement at TLC Marketing

Going through Uni life on a budget

I am Yi-Hsin Chen from Taiwan studying MSC Events Management. As students, most of our spending is on food and drink. Managing to eat healthy while also saving some money is worth considering. Here are few tips I always follow. Hopefully they can help you save some money too. Cook from scratch Try not to… Read more » about Going through Uni life on a budget

Keep spending to your budget limits

I’m Sandra Achim from Romania, studying MSc Events Management. Being a student means that there’s always going to be limitations on how you spend your money. Budgeting is very important, but you can still have a social life, enjoy good food, drinks, and many other activities by using student discounts. How can you do this?… Read more » about Keep spending to your budget limits

The time to save money is when you have some

I am Martina Gardeva from Bulgaria studying MSc Tourism Management and Marketing. As students, many of us struggle with living expenses because we are trying to be careful with our money, want to have fun, and have an exciting social life all at the same time. Have you ever wondered how you can save some… Read more » about The time to save money is when you have some

Learning to budget from experience

I am Ella Aaltonen from Finland studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Art & Design. When I first arrived at university three months ago, I decided to make a budget for each week. I withdrew the budgeted amount of cash and lived of that money for the week. It worked…for a while. Everybody has their own… Read more » about Learning to budget from experience

Celebrating Christmas in your new home

I am Milla Rasanen from Sweden studying MSc Clinical and Developmental Neuropsychology. Spending Christmas abroad can seem a bit scary at first, especially if it’s your first time being away from your family at Christmas time. Fortunately, I have experienced Christmas abroad before, so I know what I’m in for. I’m here to share my… Read more » about Celebrating Christmas in your new home

Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off

My name is Trine Olsen, I am a current BU student studying a Master’s in Forensic Anthropology and am originally from Denmark. Being from Denmark means that you are in a pretty unique situation – your studies at BU will be almost certainly funded by the Danish state. This is enough to survive on, but… Read more » about Funding options in Denmark – putting in the effort pays off

Getting to know BU before you arrive – online events

I am Ella Aaltonen from Finland studying a Bachelor’s in Computer Animation Art & Design here at BU since September 2017. If like me, at the beginning of your research you are curious to learn more about Bournemouth University but don’t know where to find more information, I recommend attending the online events that BU… Read more » about Getting to know BU before you arrive – online events

Talbot Campus: the student insight

Talbot Campus, the main University Campus. With study rooms to coffee shops, there is nothing else needed whilst you’re there.  However, due to the size of the student population, there are often little things that you can pick up to make sure your time is best suited to optimise studying. Below are some helpful tips… Read more » about Talbot Campus: the student insight

Making halls a home

Moving away from home for the first time can be a very daunting experience for some students. Suddenly, you’re independent, making new friends and moving in somewhere you’ve never lived before. The best way to make your new accommodation feel like a home is to personalise it. Here’s some top tips on how to make… Read more » about Making halls a home