My top tips for shortlisting a university

Choosing a university can be a huge deal. This may be your home for the next three years minimum, alongside where you may make contacts, both professional and social that could stay with you for life. For me, I wanted to choose a university that was going to have a lasting impact on my career…. Read more » about My top tips for shortlisting a university

Is Uni For me

Is university right for me?

University is a huge investment in your life, £9000+ a year of fees, potentially moving away, three to four years of studying and giving up things. To some people, especially for me, I just assumed I’d always go to university from a young age. I never really considered the impact it would have on me,… Read more » about Is university right for me?

SUBU Elections Night 2019 (Women's Committee)

What university has taught me

University for me hasn’t just been about studying academically. It’s allowed me to learn lots about myself, my future and the world around me. When I first applied, I don’t believe that I realised at the time, the amount of growing as a person you do whilst at university, especially during your early to late… Read more » about What university has taught me

Amazing Trips Around Bournemouth

Guest blog written by Kaiti Shang a postgraduate research student  With spring in full bloom, many of us plan to go away for the weekend or on holiday after the busy school life. But many freshmen may ask, “If I don’t want to go too far away, will I have to look at the sea… Read more » about Amazing Trips Around Bournemouth

My placement abroad story

Doing a placement was a requirement in order to complete my degree. Putting the information, I learnt into practice and testing out an element of marketing was a great opportunity. Doing it abroad was an even bigger opportunity. Support on offer BU offer language classes in Spanish, German, Arabic and others which can help you… Read more » about My placement abroad story

Careers event

The end of an era, the start of my career

After studying BA (Hons) Social Work for nearly 3 years, my degree is coming to an end. Final year at university can feel pretty daunting and full on, but for me I found myself making the most of all the offers and opportunities Bournemouth University have for us. In my final year, we experienced guest… Read more » about The end of an era, the start of my career

Spending Ramadan in Bournemouth: Breaking fast with friends and Eid!

I must confess that I was a little bit worried before Ramadan started this year. Although it was not going to my first Ramadan away from home, I am used to spend Ramadan in Turkey. Therefore, at the beginning of the Ramadan I went to Turkey for two weeks. It was a such a wonderful… Read more » about Spending Ramadan in Bournemouth: Breaking fast with friends and Eid!

When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

Guest article by Fern Merritt, BA (Hons) Marketing Communications with PR student, highlights the collaboration between Arts University Bournemouth students and Bournemouth University’s BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science students. The BU simulation for undergraduate Paramedic Science students was the highlight of the year for the PR students that got to be involved! During the action, we… Read more » about When Godzilla attacked, the PR students stepped up

My experience completing a study exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic

BSc (Hons) Marketing student Curtis Howkins completed a study exchange semester at EDHEC Business School in Lille, France during the 2020-21 academic year. He shares his experience of living abroad during the Covid-19 pandemic. “University life has brought its challenges, but an exchange programme in another country with very little ability in regard to the… Read more » about My experience completing a study exchange during the Covid-19 pandemic

My top three podcasts to nurture happiness and mental health while studying abroad

What are the simple things you can do to make your everyday life a little better? How to deal with negative emotions while being alone? What can we do to find peace in mind? If you are also looking for answers to these questions, follow me to discover the three podcasts that help nurture my… Read more » about My top three podcasts to nurture happiness and mental health while studying abroad

Settling in and Support Services: My Experience

As an international student arriving to a new country for the first time, there was no doubt I felt a little lost during the first month of university. While trying to adapt to a new culture, settling in, and putting my affairs in order, it felt like the time of making friends were limited. For… Read more » about Settling in and Support Services: My Experience

Paramedic Science student ready for placement

My BU student Paramedic experience

This guest blog  has been written by James Pilbeam, a final year BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science student. He talks about life as a student at BU as well as his experience of the facilities and placements whilst studying and where next after graduation.  Well, COVID has meant that it certainly has not been a conventional… Read more » about My BU student Paramedic experience