Steps in Friendship Communications

One of the largest privilege we have during lockdown are the resources to stay connected with our loved ones regardless of distance. Friendships are a key aspect in staying afloat during our young lives of experiencing independence. This is especially true for international students due to starting fresh in a place where everything is new…. Read more » about Steps in Friendship Communications

Friendships during Covid-19

Lockdown has lasted longer than most of us could have ever expected, leaving us craving a hug from our friends and being able to go for a drink without a curfew. Friends at university Living with friends in a house at university has been a huge help to keep me busy. We plan things to… Read more » about Friendships during Covid-19

Global BU: Tiger’s International Placement at WeTransfer

At Bournemouth University there are lots of ways to gain global work experience.  Current student Tiger talks to us about his work placement at WeTransfer in Amsterdam and explains how it will help him once he graduates from his course. Tiger received Erasmus+ funding to help support him during his placement whilst studying Business Studies… Read more » about Global BU: Tiger’s International Placement at WeTransfer

Five reasons to study BSc (Hons) Nutrition at Bournemouth University

Hear from the course lead Reena Vijayakumaran with the Nutrition team’s top reasons to study BSc (Hons) Nutrition at BU! High student satisfaction With 100% overall student satisfaction in the latest National Student Survey (NSS), our course is also accredited by the Association for Nutrition and includes units that combine the social, behavioural and lifestyle… Read more » about Five reasons to study BSc (Hons) Nutrition at Bournemouth University

Christmas lights Lower Gardens

How to have a great Christmas in lockdown

It’s December and it seems that trees are up everywhere, lights are flashing away…it can only mean that Christmas is coming around again. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic this year’s Christmas will be very different to ones we’ve had previously. But that does not mean it can’t be an enjoyable time. So here are… Read more » about How to have a great Christmas in lockdown

Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

This is a guest blog by James Leaver, who is studying BSc (Hons) Data Science & Analytics. In June 2021, I will begin JPMorgan’s 50-week Software Engineering internship program at their Bournemouth campus. This is in large part due to my experience at their Code For Good event – the topic of this blog post…. Read more » about Read about James’ experience at the JP Morgan coding event

Resurface: a society for wellbeing

BU has plenty of clubs and societies to offer, from sports to baking to cocktail making! Resurface is a club/society a little out of the ordinary at BU. With wellbeing at the heart of its surf, yoga and social community, it offers a lifestyle activity course available to people looking to improve their general wellbeing,… Read more » about Resurface: a society for wellbeing

How I did my marketing and events placement from home

I never expected I’d be doing my placement from home. Especially, the fact it was mostly focused on events. I was about to set off around the country for two weeks doing UCAS exhibitions when I was told they were no longer going ahead. After putting months of stress and work into organising the events,… Read more » about How I did my marketing and events placement from home

My placement year at InterNations in Munich, Germany

This is a guest blogger post by current student Natalia Ceballos, studying BA (Hons) Media Production. Hi! My name is Natalia and I recently completed a placement abroad at InterNations GmbH as a Public Relations Intern. Placement Search First of all, if I had to describe the placement search using three words, I would say:… Read more » about My placement year at InterNations in Munich, Germany

My placement experience encouraged me to start my own businesses

This is a guest blog post by current student Emily Thorne, studying BA (Hons) Communication and Media.  When I was searching for a placement in my second year at University, I found the most helpful platform was LinkedIn. LinkedIn has all the information you need to know as you create a platform and business page… Read more » about My placement experience encouraged me to start my own businesses

Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!

Hey! It has now been a few weeks from completing my dissertation, and I thought it would be a great moment to reflect on my time at Bournemouth University over the past three years. My time at university was a life-changing experience that I will always treasure. The ride was certainly not easy, but it… Read more » about Reflection on what I have learned from my time at Bournemouth Uni!