collage of two photos. Young women having a picnic at the beach. Young women at a Student Union fair, with a table of temporary tattoos.

Why I chose Bournemouth University

Choosing your university is about more than just what courses are on offer. You’re deciding where you’re going to spend the next three to four years, where you’re going to learn and grow and start a whole new life. Luckily for me, my decision to study at Bournemouth University wasn’t difficult, because I took everything… Read more » about Why I chose Bournemouth University

How I chose my Media degree

Choosing the right university and course is both thrilling and challenging, demanding thought and planning to align your academic path with personal interests and aspirations. Here are some of the things I did when I started this journey. Step 1: Deciding What You Want The first step in my university selection process involved defining my… Read more » about How I chose my Media degree

Surfer on Bournemouth beach with I heart BU written in the sand

Clearing 2022 – your last opportunity to join us this September

BU is now open for Clearing 2022. Find your place at BU this September. What is Clearing? Clearing is run by UCAS and enables universities to fill spaces on courses that aren’t yet full for the next academic year, while students without offers are given another chance to pursue their higher education aspirations. Read our… Read more » about Clearing 2022 – your last opportunity to join us this September

Why I chose BU

Back in the day, when the words “college” and “A-levels” made me want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again, my goal was to find a better place and somewhere I could feel happy. But looking for the perfect university was difficult. For me it had to tick five boxes: Enjoyable course… Read more » about Why I chose BU