Meijia gains confidence about becoming a player in the Gaming world

This is a guest blog by Meijia, a BU student studying BA (Hons) Computer Animation Arts. Meijia set herself a real challenge on her placement at CooCooSqueaky, a small independent games developer based in Bournemouth. Despite her talents in computer animation, Meijia had no prior experience with games, so everything she learnt at the company… Read more » about Meijia gains confidence about becoming a player in the Gaming world

Conference at BU

My experience at the Tourism and Hospitality Fusion Summit 2019

This is a guest blog by Laura Millward, currently studying BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management. Hi,  I am currently in my final year, studying International Hospitality Management. We were lucky enough to get the opportunity to attend the annual Fusion Summit in London, as part of our course. We were introduced to some recognised names… Read more » about My experience at the Tourism and Hospitality Fusion Summit 2019

My role as a Schools Liaison Ambassador

This is a guest blog by current student Modalmu, who is studying BSc (Hons) Psychology and works as a Schools Liaison ambassador. Hi, my name is Modolamu, I am a final year psychology student and currently a student ambassador for Bournemouth university. My role as a student ambassador varies from working in the office, giving… Read more » about My role as a Schools Liaison Ambassador

How SUBU can transform your student experience

This is a guest blog by Bradley Powell, Student Welfare Officer, SUBU. If you want to make the most out of your time at BU, I’d definitely recommend getting involved with SUBU. There’s plenty of opportunities for everyone. In first year, I volunteered to be the Student Rep. This led to a snowball effect; The skills and experience I gained from… Read more » about How SUBU can transform your student experience

My experiences on BSc (Hons) Archaeological and Forensic Sciences

It’s best if I start off by introducing myself, I’m Luke Gent and I’ve recently graduated from BSc (Hons) Archaeological and Forensic Sciences and I’m going onto my MRes. What drew me towards BU for this area is its plethora of opportunities regarding the AFS department as well as what skills I could learn, nurture and… Read more » about My experiences on BSc (Hons) Archaeological and Forensic Sciences

Let’s talk courses…

Choosing which course you would like to pursue to study at university as a student is a big responsibility, and at times can seem a fraction overwhelming. Some people are set on a particular course which helps narrow down the university options, for others they know which uni they want to go to but don’t… Read more » about Let’s talk courses…

international student

Kyana’s journey as an International Student

You step on the plane, find your seat, and finally take a deep breath. As the wheels of the plane lift off the ground, you feel your stomach rising to your throat as you whisper “goodbye” the place you’ve called home. You’re on your way to university and you’re not sure how you should feel…. Read more » about Kyana’s journey as an International Student

My unusual journey to BU

My name is Patrycja, I am from Poland and I am studying computer animation art and design. I love my course. In this blog I want to tell you how and why I chose Bournemouth University. From fine arts to animation I went through clearing and applied last minute for this University.  A few months… Read more » about My unusual journey to BU

My trip to Helsinki

This is guest blog by Sarah B studying BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy. “We are delighted to inform you that your abstract has been accepted. We would like to invite you the International Association for Dance Science and Medicine conference in Helsinki, Finland in October 2018” I couldn’t believe what I was reading. After submitting a collaborative… Read more » about My trip to Helsinki

The difference between school and university

It’s that time of year where you will be putting you UCAS application together ready for the January UCAS deadline and you might be thinking to yourself – am I ready for this change!? School is a pretty familiar setting for everyone but when you’re thinking of coming to uni, there’s a quite a lot… Read more » about The difference between school and university

10 questions to ask at an Open Day

If your starting to think about your UCAS application for January 2019 and ermming and ahhhing about which university to choose, the best advice I could give is to attend an Open Day! Going to an Open Day is the perfect way to get an idea of what life is like at that university, whether… Read more » about 10 questions to ask at an Open Day