Media Student to cover the US Presidential Election

Bournemouth University students will work throughout the night to provide live coverage of the US Presidential Election across TV, radio and online platforms. Students from courses across the Faculty of Media & Communication will work together to produce analysis, interviews and results from the Presidential Election on Tuesday 8 November. The USA Votes 2016 project… Read more » about Media Student to cover the US Presidential Election

The Start of my PR and Marketing Placement

On 26 February, I eagerly accepted an offer for a year long placement at allbranded UK, a promotional products company who were just launching their new and improved online store. I am now working in a friendly and welcoming office full of skilled individuals who can help and work with me throughout the year. Starting… Read more » about The Start of my PR and Marketing Placement

My exciting research experience at Bournemouth University

Helena Jarman, a final year BA (Hons) Events Management student, talks about her 6-week research assistantship and the opportunities it opened up. Helena’s research into the fear of missing out (FoMO) and how it shapes event decision-making and event experience led her to help prepare and develop a one-day workshop for industry professionals as well… Read more » about My exciting research experience at Bournemouth University

Gap yaaah or university?

  I have always loved to travel. I love everything about it – the anticipation, the culture, the food and the sun. I think I was around 13 years old when I began saving to travel.  I didn’t quite know when I was going or for how long, but travelling has always been a life… Read more » about Gap yaaah or university?

Lucy’s Festival of Design & Technology story

By displaying my product at the Festival of Design & Technology, I get exposure to a number of businesses in a short period of time that would not be possible otherwise. The festival is a great way to get the experience of presenting at a professional level with a year’s worth of supporting work on a single… Read more » about Lucy’s Festival of Design & Technology story

Course trips at BU

One of my favourite things to do is travel! I’m not really fussy where I’m going; it’s usually the excitement of going away from normality to a new environment that makes me want to go. You can only imagine the eagerness I had when I found out there was an opportunity to travel on my… Read more » about Course trips at BU

I stayed in Bournemouth to open a restaurant

I never thought of myself as a restaurateur but here we are three years after opening Monty’s Lounge in Pokesdown, I’m now on the brink of opening a second restaurant in the centre of our wonderful town, Bournemouth. It’s been a roller-coaster ride, as any new start up on a budget would be, but fundamentally… Read more » about I stayed in Bournemouth to open a restaurant

How my Computing degree took me to IBM

For a lot of students, university will be the most exciting time of their life so far. Independence, new friends and in cities offering an interesting night life; the social aspect of going to university is what most look forward to in the time leading up to their first year. But in looking back at… Read more » about How my Computing degree took me to IBM

Using my Product Design skills in the fashion world

I didn’t know my Miu Miu from my Margiela, so to say that I left Bournemouth University with the goal to strut straight into the fashion world would be a lie…  I’d always had a loose interest in fashion but never considered it a real career option. I was President of the BU Snowriders in… Read more » about Using my Product Design skills in the fashion world

My Events Management story

The decision to come to university was an inevitable one for me, much like a lot of people of our generation. What wasn’t inevitable were the experiences that would come from being a part of BU and all the opportunities I’ve experienced throughout the last four years. Coming to uni is so much more than… Read more » about My Events Management story

Don’t be intimidated by the library

Many people think that a big building with five floors filled top-to-bottom with books, journals and articles would be intimidating. When I first started at uni, I didn’t even know where the library was. In fact, I didn’t even go in there for the first term, but once I stepped foot inside, I never looked… Read more » about Don’t be intimidated by the library

My Academic Scholarship

Like many people considering postgraduate study, one of my biggest concerns was funding. I was fortunate enough to have the support of my parents in addition to taking out a loan, but what made things so much easier was being awarded BU’s Academic Scholarship. When I first started researching Master’s degrees in the UK, the… Read more » about My Academic Scholarship