By Rebecca White 2nd year BU Student, BSc (Hons) Archaeology Cooking for one can be surprisingly expensive, so you need to work out how to use up all those leftovers. Try to find simple meals that use ingredients you can use for something else. There’s plenty of student cookbooks around, so try to find one… Read more » about Cooking
Student Discount
By Natalie Smith 2nd year BU Student, LLB (Hons) Law You can get student discount in so many places it would take a whole blog to list them all! Some companies are willing to give you student discount; it is a big perk of being a student. Some stores will accept your student card as… Read more » about Student Discount
The big move
By Cassie Melrose BU Graduate, BA (Hons) Retail Management If you are moving away from home to come to uni you may feel a whole range of emotions. After speaking to my brother who told me it would be the best years of my life I was excited but at the same time seriously nervous…. Read more » about The big move
Part-time jobs
By Rebecca White 2nd year BU Student, BSc (Hons) Archaeology Getting a part-time job definitely helps with expenses. Student loans only go so far, and, too often, they’re running low by the time you’ve paid the rent. On the other hand, part-time jobs are not worth risking your degree. Try to find a job that… Read more » about Part-time jobs
Money saving tips…
Here are just a few tips to help you save money while at university; you will be surprised what can help: Shop around, don’t just go to one supermarket/shop Make a budget and stick to it. Include money for emergencies Draw out money each week and have that as the only money you can spend If you shop… Read more » about Money saving tips…
Life of a student
By Carlyle Collins 1st year BU student, BSc (Hons) Forensic Science At secondary school I was quite an active chap, I was involved in everything. Well not everything, but I did a lot, I played multiple sports and was involved in different societies. Could I possibly manage to maintain this level of involvement and obtain good grades… Read more » about Life of a student
Take a seat- an advice worker will see you shortly
SUBU Advice to the rescue During my first year at university, I fell upon hard times. Through little fault of my own, I ended up having to wait almost an entire year for my student loan to come through, and really did fit the penniless student stereotype. But I didn’t need to look any further… Read more » about Take a seat- an advice worker will see you shortly
Adjustment – Be prepared for A-level results day
If you’ve already applied through UCAS and are holding offers with your firm and insurance choice universities, do keep Adjustment in mind. Adjustment gives students who have done better than expected in their exams and met and exceeded the conditions of their firm choice, the opportunity to reconsider where and what to study. If on… Read more » about Adjustment – Be prepared for A-level results day
If you like to play hard and you want to unleash your competitive spirit then sportBU is the place for you, they have a fantastic range of activities and facilities. sportBU is open to students, staff members and the community all year round on a ‘pay and play’ membership basis. You should find everything you… Read more » about sportBU
askBU Top things asked this week!
When is Fresher’s week and enrolment? Arrivals fortnight AKA Fresher’s Induction begins on the 16th September, with a wide range of events to help your transition in to university life. There will be a mix of academic and non-academic (Fresher’s events) content during this time, in addition to some more formal activities such as enrolment… Read more » about askBU Top things asked this week!
What will you dress up as?
By Emma Craig 3rd year BU student, BA (Hons) Events and Leisure Marketing During fresher’s week there are numerous fancy dress parties and throughout university (especially first year) having a fancy dress box is essential. Although some of the fun is going to Hollywood fancy dress shop and picking up the most ridiculous outfit, this can… Read more » about What will you dress up as?
askBU Current Students team
Hello, my name’s Charlie and I work as an Adviser in the askBU Current Students team. These are currently our top 5 most commonly asked questions: “I haven’t received the invitation email for the award ceremonies, when will I get this?” You should have received you invitation via email to your university email account as… Read more » about askBU Current Students team