Visual Thinking

Drawing Slow: 20-60 minutes

In the previous post, I provided some examples of creating fast drawings during taught sessions. Here, I am going to present some ideas of slow drawing which will take 20-60 minutes. Several are examples of observational drawing where what is observed is drawn which facilitates a deeper seeing. This happened during life drawing classes incorporated… Read more » about Drawing Slow: 20-60 minutes

Drawing-in-the-air for teaching and learning

Graduation: swirling graduates’ gowns gather in the grounds of a cathedral. A student presented me to her mother saying she remembered everything I had taught her. I gently teased her, at which point she flung her arms out wide and waggled her fingers gently, repeating words I said two years previously: “I AM A UTERUS!! Here… Read more » about Drawing-in-the-air for teaching and learning