
Measuring Progress VS Learning- lessons from the school classroom.

Reading about the Wonkfest earlier this week reminded me of the constant search for methods to “measure” “learning”. Robert Bjork says that learning and performance are distinct.  Performance is measurable but learning must be inferred from performance. Performance is easily observable whereas learning is not. Frequently, learning occurs but short term performance doesn’t, and visa versa!… Read more » about Measuring Progress VS Learning- lessons from the school classroom.

Immersive technologies: do we all experience immersion in the same way?

The term ‘immersive’ is being increasingly used to describe virtual environments and virtual reality; we read about immersive technologies, immersive learning environments and immersive worlds, for example. But what does this actually mean, and do we all experience a sense of immersion in the same way? These questions have been the subject of research for at least 20… Read more » about Immersive technologies: do we all experience immersion in the same way?

Special issue on Journal Review of Education – Using multiple methods to investigate complex educational issue

Research methodology is a significant topic in education research, especially the use of multiple methods for exploring complex situations.  British Education Research Association (BERA) has published a special issue on the journal Review of Education to showcase the latest research innovations and progresses in education research methods. This special issue covers a collection of individual… Read more » about Special issue on Journal Review of Education – Using multiple methods to investigate complex educational issue

12th Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference; call for papers

The call for papers for the 12th Annual VWBPE conference is now open. This international conference, which takes place entirely in virtual worlds, is a wonderful experience, both to present at and to attend. You can present a ‘paper’ (and that can be quite widely interpreted in environments like these!), exhibit something you have created… Read more » about 12th Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference; call for papers

Google News Lab visiting speaker Vincent Ryan

Vincent Ryan presented this lecture on Friday 2nd November.  It was organised by Miriam Phillips, Lecturer in Journalism and NCTJ Coordinator for the School of Journalism, English & Communication, and although primarily for Journalism students, spare tickets were offered to other staff and students.  This is the second time the Google News Lab team (now… Read more » about Google News Lab visiting speaker Vincent Ryan

Join the NEW TEL Community of Practice!

Are you are interested in technology, be it augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, holography or digital storytelling? Are you always thinking ahead, trying to understand what the next best piece of kit will be, or how to integrate tech into your teaching practice or your professional service? Are you using Mentimeter, Padlet, Instagram, Snapchat… Read more » about Join the NEW TEL Community of Practice!

Work Based and Placement Learning: Answers to YOUR questions!

ASET is the UK association for Work Based and Placement Learning. Since becoming a Trustee in 2016, I have very much enjoyed being able to learn more about, and engage, with the sector. Whilst most UK institutions are institutional members, we do have international members from Ireland, Canada, and other countries. Therefore ASET is a… Read more » about Work Based and Placement Learning: Answers to YOUR questions!

Using digital technology in rehabilitation and home settings-Cardiff University

Researchers at Cardiff University have been developing VR home rehabilitation for knee pain. Their idea is to find innovative solutions to delivering even better quality of healthcare and outcomes for patients with knee pain.  One approach is the use of virtual reality, which makes it possible to assess patients in an interactive safe environment which can be changed in… Read more » about Using digital technology in rehabilitation and home settings-Cardiff University


Keele Univeristy have developed a new ‘Health Cinema’ for use on its programmes. This is a large screen, visualisation facility located in our 133-seat lecture theatre. The cinema-grade projection system can use both 2D and 3D to display content such as virtual anatomy or molecular visualisation.   They also have VIRTUAL PATIENT WEB-BASED LEARNING Their… Read more » about VIRTUAL REALITY LEARNING SPACES- At Keele Univeristy

VirtualiTeach-100 Voices Project.

Steve Bambury (Twitter: @steve_bambury) Is working on a 100 Voices of AR/VR project.   If you would like to submit 100 words for his project, here are the guidelines: The 100 Voices Project He is closing in on his 100th article here on VirtualiTeach and he would like to put something really unique together to… Read more » about VirtualiTeach-100 Voices Project.