
Teach@BU – HEA Fellowships 2014

As a result of the Teach@BU pilot, the following HEA fellowships have been awarded: Fellow Mary-Beth Gouthro, ST Hanaa Osmann, ST   Senior Fellow Anya Chapman, ST Bethan Collins, HSC Fiona Cownie, MS Jill Davey, HSC Anita Diaz, SciTech Crispin Farbrother, ST Karen Fowler- Watt, MS Gill Jordan, HSC Kevin McGhee, SciTech Colin Paterson, HSC… Read more » about Teach@BU – HEA Fellowships 2014

Internationalisation and Learning and Teaching

During 2013/14 I have been involved in project work led by the Higher Education Academy, on internationalisation. A ‘learning and teaching summit’ of approximately 30 UK and international experts, held in 2013, provided the outline for the project and worked towards the development of an internationalisation framework; subsequent consultation across the sector resulted in refinements…. Read more » about Internationalisation and Learning and Teaching

Recipients of the BU Learning and Teaching Fellowships 2014

In May 2014, the opportunity to apply for a BU Learning and Teaching Fellowship (BUL&TF) award was promoted across the University community. The award is intended to demonstrate the University’s commitment to valuing education excellence based on a fusion with research and professional practice and to encourage the widest dissemination of these activities. Any member… Read more » about Recipients of the BU Learning and Teaching Fellowships 2014


CEMP newsletter May 2014