Open data mashup challenge An open data challenge that UUK are running using the Jisc elevator to any of your staff or students who might be interested in applying for. Open data mashup challenge;Do you have a brilliant idea for an app that uses open data sets to support university students through their learning journey?… Read more » about JISC elevator pitch challenge – staff and/or students win £5,000
New resourcepack for your students: SUCCESS project
Anita Diaz and Jacqueline Priego present SUCCESS, an online resourcepack available to BU students. The Higher Education Academy (HEA) recognises the importance for student employability and personal development of students engaging in co-curricular learning opportunities provided by universities. These opportunities include academic societies, sports societies, volunteering, PAL leadership, SUBU student representation and student ambassador work…. Read more » about New resourcepack for your students: SUCCESS project
“It fell flat. I thought I was in a university lecture”

If you saw the Apprentice, episode 2, last night you will have heard Baroness Brady utter these words (at 50 minutes and 40 seconds). In the same episode, Baroness Brady points out how insulting stereotypes can be but I fear she has steroetyped universities and ignored all the excellent work that nowadays goes on inside… Read more » about “It fell flat. I thought I was in a university lecture”
Teaching and learning in the new Fusion1 building

The new Fusion1 building is taking shape on Talbot campus and will see students being taught there for the first time in September 2016. Far more than solely a new building with extra lecture and seminar rooms, the plan is that BU should develop an innovative philosophy for teaching and learning to make Fusion1 a… Read more » about Teaching and learning in the new Fusion1 building
Building cohort identity

Today’s CEL seminar was on the subject of cohort identity and was excellently presented by Geli Roushan and Susanne Clarke. The fact that there was cake at the seminar in no way influenced this blogger’s view of the event! A ‘Cohort’ is an organisational group that can evolve at different levels eg a seminar group,… Read more » about Building cohort identity
Research Staff Association (RSA) coffee morning – 28 Oct 15 at the EBC
The first Research Staff Association (RSA) coffee morning will be taking place on Wednesday the 28th October, in the café area of the EBC (Lansdowne Campus) from 10 to 11am. This is an informal opportunity to meet other research staff over coffee and cake, discuss your work and share ideas for future collaborations. It will… Read more » about Research Staff Association (RSA) coffee morning – 28 Oct 15 at the EBC
Colleagues – a crowd sourced and intellectually stimulating reading list request!
What readings have influenced your pedagogic approach? Please share and we will create a list! Colleagues – a crowd sourced and intellectually stimulating reading list request – from John Hilsdon, Head of Learning Development , University of Plymouth Here is my mine (Debbie Holley) David Noble and his wonderful work anticipated the commodification of Higher… Read more » about Colleagues – a crowd sourced and intellectually stimulating reading list request!
Details of the CEL Fusion projects
The Centre for Excellence in Learning offers the opportunity for BU staff in both academic and professional and support roles to bid for projects that will lead to enhancements in learning and teaching. The latest round of funding opens on Wednesday 14 October and staff are encouraged to submit their proposals. There are 5 briefs… Read more » about Details of the CEL Fusion projects
Maiden Edition of CEL Quarter Education Research Report

The aim of this report is to highlight research activities occurring in CEL and celebrate milestones. It is intended for all those staff who are involve in different projects and producing outputs which can feature under UoA25. CEL July- Sept quarterly. docx The report consists of publications, research projects in progress, conference presentations and submitted bids… Read more » about Maiden Edition of CEL Quarter Education Research Report
CEL Fusion Investment Fund Projects
Staff from across BU have the opportunity to bid for pedagogic development or research projects For the last two years, the Centre for Excellence in Learning has offered the opportunity for BU staff in both academic and professional and support roles, to bid for projects that will lead to enhancements in learning and teaching. The… Read more » about CEL Fusion Investment Fund Projects