Applying for HEA Fellowship

One of BU’s key performance indicators in BU2018 is that every academic has either Fellowship (or higher) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) or a teaching qualification. These introductory ‘Applying for HEA Fellowship’ sessions have been designed to support colleagues with their HEA applications through TeachBU. The sessions will be run by Faculty Mentors who… Read more » about Applying for HEA Fellowship

What does research-informed teaching look like?

The HEA together with the University Alliance have issued a paper – a collection of case studies -which might help explain this. Given the REF’s new broader definition of impact and the TEF which has research-informed teaching as an indicator of quality this is certainly a useful and  timely read.          

High Impact Pedagogies

Anne Quinney, CEL Theme Leader, attended a one day event at Southampton University on 7th September for the launch of a new report ‘Engaged students learning; high impact pedagogies ‘ published by the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The report sets out the findings of a systematic review carried out by researchers at the University of… Read more » about High Impact Pedagogies

Higher Education Academy Update – 1 September 2016

HEA Student Surveys HEA student surveys are important tools for understanding how students experience their higher education courses, such as how engaged they feel by the teaching and how supported they are in their learning and development. In 2016-17, we’re running all three student surveys. To find out more or register your interest in participating,… Read more » about Higher Education Academy Update – 1 September 2016

National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Workshop with Prof Stephen Tee

Following the recent call for applications for NTFs, Professor Tee (himself an NTF) held a workshop today for interested parties. Attendance was limited but there has been some interest from a number of individuals across BU in terms of planning their cases for the future. CEL will organise further workshops in the autumn for those… Read more » about National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Workshop with Prof Stephen Tee


Obtaining a higher educational teaching qualification is an opportunity for both personal and organisational growth. It enables staff and the organisation to reflect back on their professional practice. Additionally, one of the BU 2018 KPIs is that 100% of academic staff should have either a recognised teaching qualification and/or a Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship status…. Read more » about Teach@BU

New HEA Report on Independent Learning

Colleagues, I am sure you will be interested in this: From the HEA website: This study examines students’ perspectives and experiences of independent learning in higher education in the UK. It was commissioned by the HEA and undertaken by the NUS and Liz Thomas Associates LTA between February and July 2015. It built on a… Read more » about New HEA Report on Independent Learning