As you will no doubt be aware, there has been a programme of updates for BU teaching spaces where new hardware has been installed and PCs have been upgraded to Windows 10. Find out which browsers are recommended for overall best compatibility with most websites, including Brightspace and other BU TEL systems.
Posts By: Giles Ashton
Brightspace Large File Submissions – Going Up!
We are pleased to announce that the file submission size limit of the Brightspace Assignment Tool has been increased from 1GB to 3GB. As the Brightspace Assignment Tool allows multiple files to be uploaded per submission, and the 3GB limit is only applied to individual files, this means that students can submit a number files of up to… Read more » about Brightspace Large File Submissions – Going Up!
Brightspace start of term message
Ahead of the start of term and full Brightspace rollout, we would like to thank all of those involved in the great effort so far and to reassure colleagues moving over to the new system that everything is in place and ready to go. Here are just a couple of points to note ahead of next… Read more » about Brightspace start of term message
Bright Ideas – Chapter 3
This week Sophie McGowan, customer success manager at D2L (our Brightspace provider), has shared some great tips on using Quizzes. Sophie plans to follow up in the near future with more helpful video clips on the various tools the system can offer, so watch this space!
Brightspace training: still open for business!
As most of you will be aware, Brightspace has been rolled out to a proportion of the university already. Now is the time to sign up to training so you have time to prepare content ready for the new academic year. Full details available here
Bright Ideas – Chapter 2
This week, we hear from Dr. Ann Luce about her experiences of using Brightspace. Look out for further user experiences and tips as we move towards full Brightspace rollout from September 2018.
Bright Ideas – Chapter 1
As we move into the next phase of the Brightspace rollout, we’d like to share some feedback from students and staff who have used the VLE during the last academic year.
Brightspace Turnitin improvements are now Live!
BU has been collaborating with Brightspace and other European Universities to improve the experience of using Turnitin with Brightspace. These improvements are now live and apply to both the 17/18 units that were delivered in Brightspace and to all 18/19 units. Further details available here
Preparing Brightspace for the new academic year
Brightspace units for 2018/19 are now live – click here to find out what steps you need to take to prepare your units.
Brightspace and Turnitin: summer enhancements 2018
BU has been collaborating with Brightspace and other European universities to improve the experience of using Turnitin with Brightspace. Here are some of the big changes for the forthcoming academic year.