3D Scanning and Brightspace

Most people will have heard of 3D printing, but 3D scanning generally gets little attention and is probably thought of as just a part of the 3D printing process.

The other issue’s are of course that scanners have always been big and bulky, require lots of specialist software knowledge and are very, very expensive.

But imagine the potential uses if you could scan an object and embed that scan into Brightspace, offering students the abilty to examine an artifact in detail from all angles.

Well, this is exciting idea is becoming possible as smaller and cheaper devices are being developed and coming onto the market.

Unfortunately, this site does not support embeds of this kind, so here is a screen shot of how it looks in Brightspace
The scan is interactive and can be dragged around to view from any angle and can zoom in for more detail.
​Here are a three examples of the devices that are currently available and reviews by people who know more about this than I do!

The XYZprinting Handheld 3D Scanner Pro:

A hand held device that connect to a computer or laptop. Cost on Amazon £149.75

Website: XYZ 3D Scanner Pro

Review: https://3dscanexpert.com/xyz-3d-scanner-review/

The Structure Sensor:

This device clips on to an iPad and is fully portable. Cost on Amazon approximately £400, currently unavailable

Website: Structure Sensor

Review: https://3dscanexpert.com/structure-sensor-review-part-1/

Eora 3D:

This is a desktop turntable style 3D scanning system that uses your iPhone (6 or higher). Cost $599 from Eora (plus duties and VAT)

Website: Eora 3D

Review: https://www.fabbaloo.com/blog/2018/7/11/the-eora-3d-scanner-once-more


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