Reminder: Drop-in sessions for the student-led co-creation funding

Dear colleagues,

We are currently running drop-in sessions to provide interested final year undergraduate students and academics with relevant information about this year’s student-led co-creation funding. We have the following schedules coming up:

Date & Time Venue
01st Nov. 2:30 – 4:30pm PG30a Poole House, Talbot
07th Nov. 11:30 – 1pm BOHO lounge, Bournemouth House
08th Nov. 2:30 – 4:30pm PG30a Poole House, Talbot
10th Nov. 9:00 – 10:30am PG30a Poole House, Talbot

The co-creation funding scheme is one of the flagships of the University and funds student-led, collaborative projects delivering co-created outputs between  a student and an academic. Whether that’s a jointly authored research paper, conference presentation or an artefact, the output is important. The scheme targets final year undergraduate students and each successful proposal receives £500.

We are currently receiving proposals and deadline is the 17th of November 2017.

Application form can be accessed from the following link: CEL_SUBU_Co-creation student projectsautumn2017

Submission should be made to: Dr Marcellus Mbah


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