Showcase celebration of your practices in 23/24

Be inspired this summer by the innovative teaching practices showcased on our FLIE Summer Reset site!

We’ve interviewed some of the academic staff who Learning Technologists have collaborated with this year to produce some excellent pedagogic practice. Watch our series of short videos to find out how BU colleagues have explored new tools and approaches to learning materials to foster inclusive and engaging learning experiences for their students, including some of the challenges they faced and what the impact has been on the student experience.


The key to the success was to weave in right from day one involvement with the Learning Technology team

We’d love to work with you!

If you would like further information about any of the resources shown in the videos, or you have your own ideas for innovating the teaching on your unit that you would like to work with a Learning Technologist to achieve, contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.


Black and white photo of hands clapping with overlaying text Showcase Celebration of your Practices 24/25

Click on the image to view the Showcase videos


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