JISC Online Surveys (JOS) – Important Update reminder

The latest version of JISC Online Surveys (JOS) version 3 was released in September 2023, as this upgrade is a significant re-design of the online survey tool it has been run in parallel with the previous JISC Online Surveys (JOS) version 2 to allow students and staff time to move to the new platform. With the release of version 3, all BU user accounts were migrated to the new platform. A reminder of this key deadline in the process of phasing out JOS version 2:

  • Wednesday 31 July 2024: JOS v2 will be retired and so no longer available.

We are encouraging all users who haven’t already switched to start using version 3 (v3) of Online Surveys.

Surveys and survey results have not been migrated to the JOS v3 but you can export surveys from JOS v2 and import them to JOS v3. Any survey results that you wish to keep must be downloaded before 31 July 2024.

For more details about the upgrade, exporting surveys and downloading results see these FAQs and news on latest features to be released.


If you have any queries about the JISC Online Survey upgrade then contact learningtechnology@bournemouth.ac.uk. If you require technical support with exporting surveys or downloading results then you contact JISC Support directly at help@jisc.ac.uk.

Useful links

JOS v2: https://www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/

JOS v3: https://app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/

Technical Support:  help@jisc.ac.uk

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