Changes to how you log in to Mentimeter

Please note that on Friday 9th September we are making a change which may affect how you log into Mentimeter. This change will mean that all Mentimeter accounts registered to BU email addresses will be authenticated via SSO, so that you’ll sign in with your BU IT account. Most staff will already be signing in this way but some accounts that were registered prior to our institution-wide Mentimeter account will have been using a separate password for Mentimeter.

As well as improving the security of your account, this will also ensure that all BU staff who use Mentimeter will have access to the full set of features that our institution license provides rather than being limited to the features of the free Mentimeter account.

How do I log in?

Just bookmark and use the following link anytime you wish to login to and use Mentimeter:

If you are currently using Mentimeter with an account that is not personal (e.g., you will need to change the email, associated with the account to a personal email address before the transition date. Otherwise, your account will be inaccessible.

If you need to share presentations across a team then this can be done from individual accounts.

Further support

Further guidance on Using Mentimeter is available from the Brightspace Staff Resources.

If you have any issues logging in, contact the IT Service Desk on 01202 9 (65515) orĀ raise a ticket online.

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