The Pedagogical Innovation Lab in FLIE was established to provide staff and students with the opportunity to explore recent innovations in educational technology. Our aim is to engage with all faculties to explore the application of these technologies in their teaching and learning practice, and to inspire and support the application of pedagogical innovations in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) across the institution.

We would welcome the opportunity to share with you and your students the equipment we have available. Watch a short video on some of the equipment we have below:
- Virtual Reality headsets to allow students to immerse themselves in learning experiences with active participation and engagement – Virtual Reality
- 360 degree cameras to record still or moving images from every angle to allow learners to view a scene from different directions – 360 cameras
- Eye-tracking glasses to monitor gaze and attention to evaluate the impact of visual objects and track consumer behaviour – Eye tracking
If you would like to find out more about any of these technologies; to arrange a demonstration with your students or to produce some original educational content, please contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.
We look forward to hearing from you!