The Digital Pedagogies Framework was developed to support staff in the development and delivery of online and blended pedagogies, and to drive consistency across units to promote an excellent student learning experience. Following an annual review, the current version has been revised based on experience and feedback over the last academic year.
The themed structure of the framework remains, outlining key content areas with suggested pedagogical approaches and direct links off to supporting guidance. Here’s a summary of some of the key changes you’ll notice when we launch the revised framework in early July, ready for the rollover of the new curricular units on Brightspace:
- The Digital Pedagogies Framework will be accessed via Brightspace
- The framework checklist is now divided up into the themes
- The Decolonisation and Representation theme now incorporates employability and has been renamed Curriculum Content Design
- Key links have been included such as the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines and the SCULPT accessibility guidance.
Summary video 
Watch this short video to view a quick summary of the changes and lookout for workshops with faculties in July and September to support you with building out your units for the new academic year.
Further help and guidance
Contact your Faculty Learning Technologist for guidance and consultation with identifying and using appropriate learning technologies, and good practice advice and support around pedagogical approaches.
Looks like a great initiative, wondering if you’ve aligned your staff development to this framework? Have you incorporated Digital Badging/Awards, or used competences in Brightspace to help track progress for staff through this framework?
Hi Chris,
The framework is the backbone of all our education enhancement and TEL sessions. We don’t use Brightspace’s competencies feature currently but are incorporating badging into our self-directed staff development modules.