FHSS/HEE Inter-faculty Simulation Research Day Supported by FLIE

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Health Education England ran an inter-faculty Simulation Research Day in January, an exciting event that was rolled out with the support of FLIE staff and had 4 clear goals:

  • To build awareness and showcase Faculty HEE simulation projects
  • To develop external networks with key partners 
  • To run a bespoke strand for those interested in the ageing/dementia/technology interface (large scale bids) 
  • To showcase and offer a ‘hands-on’ tech session

The resources used for this session were made available for staff to view or review.

The Simulation Research Day was opened by Executive Dean Prof Anand Pandyan who set out some future aims and plans for the faculty and the new building. It was an opportunity for FHSS to showcase some of the projects that are being developed with HEE’s support:

Baby Robyn

This is a project that runs along with our SIM partners at Poole Hospital. FLIE have directly been working with Jo Staples, Heidi Singleton, and their team to assist in filming and editing these productions in the initial stages using a Theta 360 camera. There are now plans in place for us to record updated assessments using our new Insta360 pro 2. These recordings can then be used as a tool to assist in the teaching of an ABCDE assessment.

Martian Attack

A paramedic science simulation including an introduction to our next upcoming event (30th and 31st of March). Adam Bancroft is taking the lead on this one. FLIE assisted with the capture and video of the paramedic handover and assessment, including making the martian video available on Brightspace. FLIE are also involved in the planning and preparation of a large scale simulation involving Parademic Science, Nursing, Midwifery, OT/PT and social science students taking place later in the month of March. This will include recording of OSCE assessment editing of video as well as assisting in recording on the 2-day event to capture the main event and immediate aftermath. These recordings will then be used in each of the programmes attended for teaching purposes.

Social work walk-through flat 

Stefan Kleipoedszus & Louise Oliver have used, along with FLIE, the new camera purchased to produce some high quality 360 vignettes to assist students with learning, through some funding we have purchased 40 wipeable headsets for use with these videos to allow students a hands-on approach when carrying out an initial assessment within a home.

An example of a 360 vignette.

Other Projects

VR simulation in core skills 

Vikram Mohan and Tongai Chichaya assisted with the recording and editing of 360 as well as having been providing advice on audio spatial awareness for good quality sound.

Immersive simulations and Laerdal project 

Fiona Budden and Sue Baron delivered a presentation on the topic of Immersive Simulations.

Foetal Alcohol Simulator and Drug Affected Simulator 

Humaira Khan during her presentation.

Materials and Resources

Keynote (1)

David Wortley  

“Digital Therapeutics and Immersive Technologies” 

Keynote  (2)  

Maggie Fisher (Institute of Health Visiting- iHV), Diane Massey (iHV), Tim Devlin (BU)- Fathers’ Perinatal Mental Health Training for Health Visiting Using a VR 360 Film 

Fathers’ Perinatal Mental Health Training for Health Visiting Using a VR 360 Film 

Technical aspects of VR (Tim Devlins work with Dr Lee)  

Keynote (3)

Dr Ric Colasanti (BU)

Complex systems models in social science: Simulated worlds with Agent based models and networks’ 

Dr Ursula Rolfe, HEE and Simulation Faculty lead 

Links to slides are via limited access – only those with the link here can see, please respect and do not share further without the presenter(s) permissions. 

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