Updated resources on FLIEflix

The FLIEflix portal signposts you to a range of help and guidance offered by FLIE using a boxset format which brings together our online support under recognisable themes. It’s a resource you can return to time and time again and we’ve recently added some updates.

Education Enhancement Workshop resources

Workshops in February

Programme for February

You’ll now find a summary of each workshop offered under our Education Enhancement series. View details on the content of sessions and links to some of the resources used during the workshops.

To attend any of these events, register via Eventbrite by following the links available on the Workshops and Drop-ins area of Brightspace.


Help and guidance for new starters

If you’re a new member of staff at BU, or would just like to refresh your knowledge in some of the basics of Brightspace, take a look at the New Starters area on FLIEFlix. We’ve pulled together some of the key areas where you can find help and guidance.


Further information

If you would like further information or have any questions regarding any of the above, contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.


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