The revised version of the Generic Assessment Criteria (ARPP 6f) was approved at Senate in June for implementation in the academic year 2021-22.
When you populate your new units in Brightspace you will find a place in the Assessment section where the appropriate level of the criteria, from Level 0/3 to Level 7, can be selected.
Please encourage students to become familiar with these criteria, to help them understand the expectations for each grade band within the level, and to be aware of the feedforward statements. I hope you will find that the revised version captures in more detail the university’s expectations and that the statements are a close fit with the wide range of programmes at BU, and the diverse nature of assessment tasks.
The guidance on how staff should use the Generic Assessment Criteria is contained in the policy document in paragraph 5.1. It states:
Staff should use the generic assessment criteria for a range of assessment-related activities:
i. as marking criteria for BU Level 0/3 and Levels 4-7 which may be used as they stand or adapted for specific subjects or assessment types in taught units of study (e.g. presentations, fieldwork or laboratory work). Where this is the case, the genericassessment criteria in Appendix 1 must be used as a quality standard on which to base specific criteria.
ii. as a means of measuring student achievement relative to the level and intended learning outcomes (ILOs);
iii. as a basis for written and oral comments on summative and formative assessments through: feedback based on a consistent and transparent vocabulary for the description of students’ performance against institutional standard; feedforward statements that demonstrate how students might enhance their learning and improve their future performance and grades.
iv. as reference points for discussions about standards between internal assessors and with external examiners.
v. they are not intended to be the only form of feedback and feedforward provided to students. Academic staff undertaking assessment should provide additional context-specific feedback and feedforward which refers to the particular assignment task and which enable the student to identify which strengths can be built on.
Anne Quinney
Principal Lecturer, FLIE
Good morning Anne, Thank you for this. Where do I find the new Assessment Criteria so that I can load it into my Brightspace units?
Many thanks
Best wishes
Hello Jan. The criteria are pre-loaded in Brightspace underwear the Assessment tab. best wishes, Anne