Revised Digital Pedagogies Framework

The Digital Pedagogies Framework was developed as part of an integrated plan for digital and online pedagogies. It aims to support staff at BU in the preparation, development and delivery of online and blended teaching.

The current version has now been revised based on the experience of the academic year 2020/2021 and is aligned with the Fused Digital Pedagogy model. The framework outlines key content areas with suggested pedagogical approaches to promote an inclusive and engaging learning design. It incorporates links off to key support information and online guidance.

What’s new?

The framework now consists of one baseline level to further enhance the consistency of the student experience and help further the quality of teaching delivery and assessment requirements in units on Brightspace. It aims to promote staff digital literacy at BU within the context of our Virtual Learning Environment (Brightspace) and in turn increase the opportunity for students to enhance their digital skills through active engagement with digital learning tools in their unit.

Two new Themes have been included; a Decolonisation and Representation section to ensure an inclusive and accessible curriculum, and a Monitoring and Review section to promote the use of unit learning analytics data. Staff Development and Support resources have also been encompassed in one area for ease of reference.

Digital Pedagogies Framework Themes graphic

Digital Pedagogies Framework Themes


Where can I find it?

You can navigate to the Digital Pedagogies Framework from the Brightspace Staff Resources pages (under Help on any Brightspace unit). You’ll also find an updated Checklist to help you with applying the framework.

Further help and guidance

If you require any further help with any of the above, please contact your Faculty Learning Technologist.

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