6C Solutions: Workshops to help with documentation

If you are in need of support to complete the documentation to implement 6C, please sign up for one of these workshops with Organisational Development: OD@bournemouth.ac.uk

6C Solutions: Implementing good practice in assessment and feedback. This two-hour workshop will support as assessment for learning approach to complete the 6C documentation.

We have 2-hour slots available and we would encourage teams to come along together and work through their student-centred implementation strategies.

By the end of this workshop you will have:

1.     A plan to implement your team’s assessment and feedback strategies

2.     An awareness of how this feeds into institutional and subject-TEF benchmarks

3.     Evaluation ideas to support annual monitoring and review


Date Time Location
17th October 12pm-2pm PG30a
17th October 3pm-5pm EB702
24th October 12pm-2pm S218
24th October 3pm-5pm PG30a
31st October 1pm-3pm PG30a

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