Focus areas

Maurizio Borghi “Data portability and regulation of digital markets”

Working Paper No. 02-2019 September 2019 The new General Data Protection Regulation introduced the “right to portability of personal data”. Conceived to give effectiveness to individual interests, the regulation is at the same time a pro-competitive tool with important regulatory effects on digital markets. As a result of the extensive interpretation of “personal data” that… Read more » about Maurizio Borghi “Data portability and regulation of digital markets”

Benjamin White joins CIPPM as PhD researcher

CIPPM welcomes Benjamin White, who has started his journey as PhD candidate at Bournemouth University. Prior to joining Bournemouth University, Ben was Head of Intellectual Property at the British Library. He also participated in a 2 year European Commission funded project called Future TDM, looking at the barriers to further uptake in Europe of data… Read more » about Benjamin White joins CIPPM as PhD researcher