Healthy mind, great student life

Hi, my name is Alejandra and I’m a Masters student from Colombia. When planning on studying abroad, it’s always good to know about the services offered by universities in terms of personal guidance throughout your journey. Life is more than just studying and I have found great personal support from BU. Multi-faith Chaplaincy No matter… Read more » about Healthy mind, great student life

Being a Student Ambassador: A perfect opportunity

Hi everyone, my name is Alejandra and I am a Master’s student from Colombia. Before arriving in the UK, I found out about student ambassadors and their roles. Writing blogs caught my attention because I wanted to gain experience within the university.  I also wanted to earn some money for myself and this is what… Read more » about Being a Student Ambassador: A perfect opportunity

Comparing and Contrasting: American and British study skills

I completed two years of higher education previously in the US in a community college before I came to BU and there are numerous differences between the two education systems. At home studying was focused on online and based around memorising information. Online access had to be paid for and quizzes and e-textbooks were closely… Read more » about Comparing and Contrasting: American and British study skills

Why you should choose to live in Student Village

I’m Lara Barusso from Italy, currently studying Computer Animation Art and design, and i would like to tell you a bit more about my accommodation. The Student Village is a great place to stay for your first year!. My first impression was that it was like being in a movie, when I first arrived I… Read more » about Why you should choose to live in Student Village